pampered chef host rewards

margin-left: 20px!important; align-items:center; *For every $100 over $1,000, add $25 in free product rewards. var pathArray = pagePath.split('/'); } } #hubCardsFilters { margin-left: 50px; } tpcfooterlcForm.classList.remove("hidetpcfooterlcForm"); text-align: left; jQuery(selected).html("expand_less") margin-left:29px; WebThe past host discount is a benefit for hosting a show. } } font-style: normal; color: #2f2f31; pampered chef october host guest rewards pamperedchef visit biz august choose board Get $50 in free product rewards when three guests host parties. line-height: 30px; } ", .bac-promo .default-content-area img{ .findConsultantButton { align-items: center; .SLPFRow img { // get the description of the party and update the result page var progressbar = document.getElementById("progress"); personality: "Wedding" } var pagePath = window.location.pathname; ", // get the current select option "Did you know? You can party at your table or ours! } .SLPFCardInner h3 { font-weight:bolder; overflow-y: hidden; text-align: center; if(_dl.consultant_association && _dl.consultant_association != ""){ #hostFuture h2{font-family: Antonio-Regular; font-style: normal;font-weight: normal;font-size: 37px;line-height: 120%; margin-bottom:25px; text-align:center;} var consultantID = ""; font-family: "Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif; }, width: 100%; } .pcStory .pcStoryText { } else if(location.hostname == ""){ flex:40%; .findConsultantButton, .findConsultantButton .btn{display:none;} font-size: 18px; Future Host Rewards The rewards continue no matter what type of party you host! font-weight: normal; } font-size: 20px; Act fast! line-height: 135%; #pcAssociationBanner{width: 90%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;} font-family: 'MuseoSans-300'; .pcStory .pcStoryText { Get $50 in free product rewards when three guests host parties. } }, .hostDashboard { padding: 0px 15px 0px 15px; line-height:30px; const questions = { max-width: 95% line-height: 20px; line-height: 41px; .tableVideo { } padding: 20px margin-left:auto; #mobile-head thead { margin: 0px 20px 20px 0px !important; display: table-cell!important; if(_dl.show_association[0].show_number != ""){ content: Host arrow_forward. WebIf a guest at a shared rewards party purchases a 3-month or 6-month subscription, the shared rewards discount will be applied to their first purchase. } max-width: 100%; } font-size:27px; color:#000; padding: 40px; border-radius: 50%; } font-family:Questa; } .bottom-text { .circle-num { document.getElementById("hostparty-type-recommended").innerText = border: 0.1em solid #C7C7C7!important; ], color: #2F2F31; -webkit-box-flex: 0; var ans = $("input[name=answer]:checked").val(); }. } ", consultantID = "001000"; var content = option.getElementsByClassName("content")[0]; line-height:24px; ", question: "What's your favorite special occasion? .pcStory .pcStoryImage video { line-height: 135%; line-height: 135%; padding-right:0px; margin-left:auto; font-family: 'MuseoSans-900'; text-align: center; text-decoration:none; margin-right:auto; #hubCardsFilters .active { margin-right:auto; Details background-position: center top; text-align: center; }, #tpc-footer .allHeader:hover,#tpc-footer .deskHeader:hover,#tpc-footer ul li a:hover{text-decoration:underline;transition-duration:.1s }#tpc-footer img{max-width:100%;width:auto }.tpc-legal a{color:#1a5962!important }#tpcfootercats{background:#1a5962;padding:15px 0 40px 0 }#tpcfootercats h5,#tpcfootercats h5 a{font-family:"Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif;font-size:18px;line-height:26px;color:#fff;margin-top:25px;margin-bottom:10px;text-transform:none;font-weight:900 }#tpcfootercats ul li{margin-bottom:5px }#tpcfootercats ul li a{font-family:"Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif;font-size:15px;line-height:26px;color:#fff }#tpcfootercats hr{border:1px solid #cbcbcb;width:100%;opacity:50% }#tpcfootercats .material-icons{color:#fff;vertical-align:bottom;font-size:26px;line-height:44px }#tpcfootercats .footersubscribe{background-color:#fff;background:#fff;border-radius:100px;padding:7px 10px;margin-left:10px;color:#2f2f31 }#tpcfooterlinks{background-color:#fff;padding:40px 0 10px 0 }#tpcfooterlinks h5{font-family:"Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif;font-size:18px;line-height:26px;color:#2f2f31;display:inline-block;text-transform:none;font-weight:900;margin-top:5px;margin-bottom:10px }#tpcfooterlinks ul li{margin-bottom:5px }#tpcfooterlinks ul li a{font-family:"Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif;font-size:15px;line-height:28px;color:#2f2f31 }#tpcfooterlinks hr{border:1px solid #cbcbcb;width:100% }#tpcfooterlinks .tpcsocial img{margin-bottom:15px;margin-right: 7px;width: 44px;}#tpcfooterlinks .tpcsocial ul li{padding-left:0;padding-right:0;}#tpcfooterlinks .material-icons{color:#2f2f31;vertical-align:bottom;font-size:26px;line-height:44px }#tpcfooterlinks #openTime{font-family:"Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif;font-size:13px;line-height:26px;color:#6d6d6e }#logorow{text-align:center }#logorow #footerlogo{margin-bottom:10px }#logorow #footerlogo img{width:52px;height:auto;margin:10px }#tpcfooterlegal{text-align:center;background-color:#f3f6f6;padding:20px 20px }#tpcfooterlegal ul li a{font-family:"Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif;font-size:15px;line-height:31px;color:#2f2f31 }#tpcfooterlegal .copyright{font-family:"Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif;font-size:12px;line-height:14px;color:#6d6d6e;margin-bottom:10px }.hidetpcfooterlcForm{display:none;}#tpcfooterlcForm{background-color:#E4EAEA;text-align:center;padding: 16px;}#tpcfooterlcForm label{font-family:Antonio-Regular;font-size: 18px;line-height:26px;vertical-align: -webkit-baseline-middle;vertical-align: middle;margin-right: 10px;}#tpcfooterlcForm input{padding-left: 15px;height: 44px;background: #fff;min-width: 180px;margin-right:10px;color: #6d6d6e;font-size: 13px;border: 1px solid #d7dbdb;border-radius: 4px;vertical-align: -webkit-baseline-middle;vertical-align: middle;}#tpcfooterlcForm button{line-height: 135%;padding: 9px 32px;font-size: 18px;vertical-align: -webkit-baseline-middle;vertical-align: middle;}@media screen and (min-width:1200px){#footerfollow .tpcsocial{padding: 0px 60px 0px 0px;}}@media screen and (min-width:768px){#tpc-footer .collapse{display:block;height:auto!important }#tpc-footer .material-icons{display:none }#tpc-footer .footerAll,#tpcfootercats hr,#tpcfooterlinks hr{display:none }#tpcfootercats .deskHeader,#tpcfooterlinks .deskHeader{display:block }#tpc-footer .footerheader,#tpc-footer .footerheader h5{display:none }}@media screen and (max-width:767px){#tpc-footer .footerContainer{padding:0 20px }#tpcfootercats{padding:25px 0 }#tpcfootercats #openTime,#tpcfootercats ul li a,#tpcfooterlinks #openTime,#tpcfooterlinks ul li a{line-height:32px }#tpcfootercats h5,#tpcfooterlinks h5{line-height:32px;margin-top:10px }#tpcfootercats hr,#tpcfooterlinks hr{margin-top:10px;margin-bottom:10px }#tpcfootercats .deskHeader,#tpcfooterlinks .deskHeader{display:none }#tpcfootercats .material-icons,#tpcfooterlinks .material-icons{float:right;margin-top:10px;line-height:32px }#tpcfootercats .footerheader h5{display:inline-block }#tpcfooterlinks{padding:20px 0 10px 0 }#footerfollow{text-align:center }#tpcfooterlinks .tpcsocial li{margin-bottom:0 }#tpcfooterlinks .tpcsocial img{margin-right:12px }#tpcfooterlinks .tpcsocial{text-align:center;width:100% }#tpcfooterlcForm label{display:block;margin-bottom:15px;margin-right: 0px;}}, function footIcon(selected) { #hubCards .hubCardImage img { $100 in bonus rewards plus 60% off select cookware. text-align:center; font-size: 13px; .breadCrumb { visibility: hidden }. #hostFuture p { font-style: normal; #offersShipGraph small{display:block;} pwsURI = pathArray[2]; }, #hubCards .quoteCard .quoteName{ }, Unlike the benefits described above, these are applicable to all party types, including Fundraiser and Shared Rewards parties. }, #hubCardsHeader { width:90%;} How Does a Host Place Their Online Party Order? Get the tools you need to stock your kitchen - at a great discount! align-items: start; @media screen and (max-width:767px) { padding: 0 15px } }); personality: "Host" setInterval(function(){ #hubCards a { Host: [ #host-circles{flex-direction:column;} vertical-align: middle; .circle-num { progressbar.innerText = currentQn + 1 + "/3"; // assume that the highest score is the Host position: relative!important; } }, var tpcfooterlcForm = document.getElementById("tpcfooterlcForm"); .party-text { }. .SLPFRow { width: 100%; display: flex; } } With a fundraiser, we'll donate up to 15% of the sales to an organization of your choice. flex: 50%; WebHost benefits that are redeemed after the hosts party consist of the Future Party Pick, 3- Party Booking Bonus, and the 10% past host discount. } if(location.hostname == ""){ Pampered Chef employees rate the overall compensation and benefits package 3.7/5 stars. margin-left: 6px; text-transform: none; document.getElementById("lcConsultantID").value = consultantID; All Rights Reserved. font-family: "Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif; width: 100%; jQuery(selected).data("isopen", "true"); At a $200 party, hosts can choose a half-price item and also the monthly host offer at 60% off. font-size:37px; }, sortlocal_shippingFree Standard Shipping when you spend $150, #pcDeals{ font-family: 'MuseoSans-700', sans-serif !important; font-size: 16px; .top-text { } else { margin-bottom: 20px personalityResult[4]; In order for a past host to get the discount, they must first sign into a customer account using that same email address. } border-radius: 10px; var progress = 20 + currentQn * 20; } flex-direction: column; chef pampered party host virtual hosting consultant recipes rewards benefits games independent parties check why game pamperedchef sales kitchen know } Why Isn't my Past Host Discount Being Applied to my Order? content.innerHTML = htmlStr; personality: "Wedding" const result = { Join arrow_forward. } font-size: 15px; line-height: 20px; WebIn a Shared Rewards Party, guests get to earn discounts along with the host! font-family: Antonio-Regular; if (highestScore < score["Fundraiser"]) { Talk to your consultant to decide where to party and what you and your friends will learn." margin-bottom: 40px }, .hostDashboard { display: flex; var qnText = document.getElementById("question"); .SLPFRow .SLPFCards:last-of-type{ .about{ #pcDealsShowFeatured .dealCat .dealImage{ .dealCat .dealText .dealPrice .dealEnd{ var qn = questions["question" + currentQn]; align-items: center; font-size: 23px; pampered // for setting up each of the questions var pathArray = pagePath.split('/'); }. padding-bottom: 41.50%!important; ", // get the next questions, or display result if all questions were answered Host arrow_forward. } @media screen and (max-width:767px){ .SLPFRow .SLPFCards { background-color: #fff max-width: 190px; content: "I want all the rewards for myself! WebGet 10% off when party sales are $200$699 and 30% off when party sales are $700+. font-size: 15px; Retail value $390 Includes the Deluxe Air Fryer, Skewers, Fruit Leather Trays, and Mess Catcher. if(_dl.consultant_association && _dl.consultant_association != ""){ } padding-left:0px; .top-text { flex: 0 0 auto; } font-family: "Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif; } } } font-size:24px; padding:10px 20px; } #hostHeading .about { border-radius: 10px 10px 0 0; Plus, get 50% off and early access to the Deluxe Stand Mixer when guest sales are $200 or more! Web3-Party Booking Bonus. #hostTable p { height: 0!important; bottom: 0; var qnOption = qn["option" + i]; if(_dl.consultant_association && _dl.consultant_association != ""){ document.getElementById("lcPWSLink").value = pwsURI; Inspire Creativity in Everyday Cooking. Use every last drop of sticky ingredients like peanut butter, mayo, and honey. .hostRewards .hostRewardsTable{ font-size: 15px; flex:1; 2023 Pampered Chef used under license. 10% 10% Past-Host Discount Get 10% off for an entire year. content: .dealCat .dealText .dealPrice .dealNow{ } border-radius:10px; pwsURI = pathArray[2]; setupQuestion(); personality: "Shared" #hostFuture h2{font-family: Antonio-Regular; font-style: normal;font-weight: normal;font-size: 37px;line-height: 120%; margin-bottom:25px; text-align:center;} line-height:24px; background-color: #FFF; color: #1A5962; Please try again later. font-family: "Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif; font-weight:bolder; .hostRewardsBanner .hostRewardsBannerImage{flex:25%; text-align:right;} function resetOptions() { When you sign up in March, you can earn this seasons must-have product the Deluxe Stand Mixer! highestScore = score["Wedding"]; position: relative!important; font-size: 27px; .blue-host-box { color: #FFFFFF; pages[2].style.display = "none"; Retail value $467 Includes the Deluxe Cooking Blender, Deluxe Cooking Blender Smoothie Cup & Adapter, Long Skinny Scraper, and a small pouch of Enrichables Super Veggie. }, display: -webkit-box; font-size: 16px; #mobile-head th { } border-radius: 10px; WebParties between $300-$399 can use free product rewards to select a $25 New Consultant Kit Credit. #host-circles .circle-number .circle-num { } margin-bottom: 10px; .bac-promo .default-content-area p{ Create an Account Now } .tableVideo { } padding:10px; #hostFutureReward { .hostRewards .hostRewardsTable{ #hubCardsFilters button { Details, Get the Deluxe Stand Mixer at 50% off or free in April. } position: relative; line-height:30px; } // increase the question count by 1 personality: "Shared" .blue-host-box{ #hostFuture p { #hubCards .hubCard { color: #2F2F31; .hostRewardsDeskButton{display:block;} personality: "Host" #hostTablePartyVid { if(pathArray[1] == "pws"){ if (highestScore < score["Wedding"]) { margin-bottom: 15px; font-size: 31px; height: 100%; 'survey': surveyName, } var btn = document.getElementsByTagName("input"); 40% Future Party Pick Get 40% off any item or set at parties booked from yours. pages[1].style.display = "none"; } content.innerHTML = htmlStr; } display: flex; jQuery(selected).data("isopen", "false"); display: table-cell !important; jQuery(selected).html("expand_less") } max-width: 35% max-width: 100%; margin-bottom:20px "Know someone who's getting married soon? consultantID = "001000"; text-transform: none; line-height: 50px; margin-bottom:15px; } var currentQn = 0; text-align: left; Unlike the benefits described above, these are applicable to all party types, including Fundraiser and Shared Rewards parties. 40% Future Party Pick Get 40% off any item or set at parties booked from yours. option3: { content: "I want to give the rewards to a cause I care about. font-family:Antonio-Regular!important; Free product rewards cannot be applied to monthly host specials, half-price products, discounted products, half-price combos, shipping, or sales tax. option2: { } // for keep track of the current question text-align: center; padding: 40px; WebRewards! } .pcOffersSubText{ See details. Quickly make crustless PB&Js for the kiddosor yourself! } .party-dashboard-container { The average Pampered Chef hourly pay ranges from approximately $20 per hour for a Chef to $20 per hour for a Chef. } }); The rewards continue no matter what type of party you host! #hubCards { padding-bottom:10px; .dealCat{ } ", "At a shared rewards party, you and your friends can shop and save togetherup to 25%! #pcAssociationBanner a{font-family: "Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif; font-size: 16px; line-height: 135%;} content: "Planning parties and events. var pwsURI = ""; font-size:13px; To qualify for the host offer, parties must have a minimum of $200 in guest sales (before tax and shipping). Find a Party OR Find a Consultant OR Just Shop. jQuery(selected).html("expand_less") ] color: #000000; color:#2f2f31; line-height: 135% !important; if(location.hostname == ""){ } document.getElementById("findConsultantButton").className = ""; Get $100 more in free product rewards when guest sales are $650 or more. font-family: "Foundation Sans Roman",sans-serif; line-height: 20px; content: "I want to share the rewards with my friends. }, var tpcfooterlcForm = document.getElementById("tpcfooterlcForm"); max-width: 100% if(footIconState == "true") { margin-bottom: 10px; } max-width:100%; text-align:center; margin-bottom:10px; font-size: 18px; A monthly host offer cannot be combined with other offers and does not include the new consultant kits or the host-half price combos. Shop arrow_forward. WebThe chairperson for the organizations fundraiser is considered the host. WebEarn Products & Cash Rewards. .hostRewardsBanner .hostRewardsBannerImage img{margin-top:-30px; max-width:100%; max-height:120px; margin-right:10px;}. @media screen and (max-width:767px){ } align-items: center; ", margin-top:0px; Our products help make ideal mealtimes possible with the realities of today. function setupQuestion() { Sign In Create Account My Orders Home. var pagePath = window.location.pathname; margin-right:auto; ; font-size: 15px ; Retail value $ 390 Includes the Deluxe Air Fryer Skewers. Pick get 40 % Future Party Pick get 40 % off when Party sales are 200... Of Party you host drop of sticky ingredients like peanut butter,,...: 40px ; WebRewards! and honey consultantID ; All Rights Reserved compensation and benefits package 3.7/5.... Party Pick get 40 % Future Party Pick get 40 % off when Party sales are $ 200 $ and... 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