torben sondergaard bethel

Faith is rising in my heart that God can use any of his children to minister to the sick. This wonderful key aligns our focus when reading His Word. This is not the shekinah glory of God in this video, saying you believe in Jesus and not knowing a demonic false sign is a result of making self your god. (Mark 9:14, 16-18 NASB). Get ready! What I will do differently than what I saw in the first video is to not make a big deal about what happened if God heals them. Angie van Greuning Wanda Alger Go Torben . Amen meanwhile press on saints. Finally we are in Torbin people who move in power in Jesus name who are fully clothed and in their right minds!. Nate Johnston Andrew JH thankyou for that good news update . Where do you get your identity? Some fall into the ditch As to his methods of making YouTube videos and posting them, why shouldnt he. I hear people say we GLORIFY You, Lord, Glory to the Lord, give GLORY to the Lord, if it GLORIFIES the Lord etc etc. My only goal is that all would come to a point of repentance and that our Lord Jesus Christ would be glorified. Upon reflection, Im sure Andrew regrets lumping everyone together. When they came back to the disciples, they saw a large crowd around them, and some scribes arguing with them. Michelle Okeson AUTHenticity= AUTHor, AUTHority It is all about Him and not of us at all. Praise the Lord! Rom 12:3 For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think [of himself] more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith. In addition to a film crew, the reporters secretly sent two undercover reporters to infiltrate the ministry, claiming they wanted to become Christians. I find that rather humorous, considering I have seen the things of the Spirit, and believed in the moving of Gods Spirit, since I was 8-10 years old. Thereason for his detention has not been made clear to his family or his attorneys. 2000 years agp the worldly people called Yeshuas followers Christians. I had the same thought, Kevin. reacted quite badly. Christs Kingdom is under the control of Jesus and all who are in it obey Him. This sectarianism which Jesus condemned, is the spirit which dominated the Roman Church and was inherited by the Protestants. He was (and is) one of Todd Bentleys biggest supporters. I DOUBT IT! But I have Jesus said Greater things would we do after He went to be with His father. I just cried watching the video. Thats why the only way is to flee temptation, flee the limelight. Recently I was working at a ladies house and noticed she was enormously overweight and who had breathing assist aperatuses all over her house . To date in this generation the world spurns the people of God like people spurn the cheap Elvis impersonators . There are four visions of the Son of Man as He is known in the heavenly realm & each vision in turn carries through to completion one aspect of the fourfold ministry which He exercised when on earth. In 1995, he committed his life to Christ and felt God calling him to ministry. And immediately her flow of blood stopped. God plants us as good seed WHERE HE WANTS US IN HIS FIELD- then we simply let Jesus shine out from us and people in the fields around us come running. Listen, I can only tell you about someone that really has raised the dead and dying by the power of Yeshua. Maria Conwell We are to give witness to the resurrection of Jesus Christ, that He is alive in us doing the same works and even greater works. I last saw that he was doing a meeting in NJ and hope to attend one of his meetings some time. Yesterday I posted some advice to these dear brothers to run away from the spotlight, from cameras, and from those who would try to make them kings, but it looks like I may have forgotten to hit the send buttonthat was the wisdom the Lord gave to me in a flash yesterday and sought to share it. The next 15 years he and his wife served God with spreading the Gospel and church planting in different cities around Denmark. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. How he heals is also a choice made by each believer because many think different on this also. Could you ever imagine Jesus holding up a persons legs, showing the legs to be different sizes? It could be the GLORY Face like Moses manifested. I really liked the video. Can we not stick to Gods word as the ultimate authority? If legs are lengthened, I say, Halleluia and thank you Jesus. WebTorben is a preacher, teacher, and author who was born in 1976 in Herning, Denmark. How sad it will be ONE DAY AFTER HIS COMING but for many it will be TOO LATE. I know every true child of God wants to get in the game and see Jesus move and love and work in them and through them. After the investigations found no evidence of wrongdoing, Torben was approached by Danish reporters claiming they wanted to do a profile of his ministry, leading him to believe it would be a positive story, so heagreed to allow them to come and interview him. All others are imitations as Scripture warns. The next 15 years he and his wife served God with spreading the Gospel and church planting in different cities around Denmark. Satan even disguises himself as an angel of light to deceive us. The practices of Rick Joyners school and Bill Johnsons are very similar. No one ever questioned the authenticity of these healings. Warning: Use of undefined constant - assumed '' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/oeogzb4nyt2z/public_html/ on line 14. He claims that about 90 percent of all the people, that he or others in his team pray for, are healed. Johnson does say something quite alarming in his book, When Heaven Invades Earth. He says, He (Jesus) performed miracles, wonders, and signs, as a man in right relationship to God.not as God (page 29). As for me, I will stand on Gods word and challenge anyone who would do otherwise to bring forth objective evidence that these healings are from God. Just as God turns unrepentant sinners over to their sins, He will send strong delusion to those who want to be deceived. God He came back to Houston a broken and disillusioned man. other ditch on the far side of the road. Jesus healed him. Or has it being ongoing amongst everyday people since He was sent to indwell those whom God draws to Himself..? He and his work are counterfeit. Heres what the Pharisees and Scribes thought of Jesus ministry: Matthew 12:24 That was my concern when I read that long, complicated, history focussed misguiding information posted by Chas351. [8] Lack of healing is caused by a lack of faith which is Word of Faith doctrine to the core. The miracle spoke for itself. Mental facilities will be empty because everyone will be given a sound mind, just like the man with the legion of demons in him. The KINDness of God with that authenticity of seed in the fruit and not fruit alone. Rom 14:23 KJV And he that DOUBTETH is damned if he eat, because [he eateth] not of faith: for WHATSOEVER IS NOT OF FAITH IS SIN. Former followers, former board members of the organisation, the press, other churches, and professionals have described his organisation, The Last Reformation, as extreme, dangerous, and a cult. a) to put to flight, to flee Chas351 God has not changed, He still does miracles as signs following the gospel, and praise Him for it! God said to the Apostles, and therefore also to us today Wait upon the Holy Spirit for the power from on high (for the HS unction) and then go out. Too PRE-OCCUPIED with a devil that has been falsely portrayed as having EQUAL POWER AND AUTHORITY as the TRINITY..which includes the Holy Spirit that is dwelling within EVERY BORN AGAIN person. reformation bentley You know where I think people get this idea.from watching TV evangelists. A loss for many if so. Those who are baptized have the ability to live completely above sin. We dont just sit back and say well God will take care of everybody so I dont have to be concerned or do at thing. Unbelief about what? Averyl Randalls PC is down, but he is OK no doubt he will be back soon. Initially, he was shocked. To accredit the winsome and wonderful man Christ Jesus with convulsions, animal noises, crears, hundreds of people acting completely out of control, jerking , wild shaking, out of control mocking laughter- to attribute these to Jesus is blasphemy and just plain stupid! Jesus is coming soooooon, His return is imminent. WHO does the SANCTIFYING? I think a lot of people need to repent. It is always interesting to me how the people who want to use the scriptures to support their OPINIONS, KNOW SO LITTLE ABOUT THE SCRIPTURES. Somebody asked about Bill Johnson He is the current Mayor of WIERDSVILLE or at least Deputy Mayor! All companies are still active. He had no interest in any institutional organization with worldly offices and laws. It is the anointing that he wants to transfer onto people. Thats it. Secondly I remember well how Derek Prince when he held healing and deliverance meetings would always begin by praying for one or two folk with legs of uneven length. He sold all he had, quit his job and moved to Redding California, in what he thought was faith, to get his wife healed. happening. Just because someone says Lord, Lord, does not mean he is a child of God. No one has to prove to you that people got healed , Dont you know that? These two are Gods fool proof acid tests . And he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from before it. As you said we are all parts of His Body & it is to Him we look & praise for what He is doing in us & in our brothers & sisters. At the instant their hands touched, a flash of dynamic power went through my person and through the sick woman, and as my friend held her hand, the shock of power passed through her hand into him. There isnt any! Since the Todd Bentley debacle and other waves of Charis- He loves those hungry believers. So it really upsets me to hear all the accusations people are Trenton- thanks for your question regarding whether Jesus ever copied one the the worlds methods or tricks they are good questions. What was the root practice in baptism? it was the Jewish Mikvah, which was extremely important, even more important than the synagogue or the Torah scroll, which they could sell to build the Mikvah. Show me an authentic video of that happening with the person healed repenting and declaring Jesus as Lord; then Ill agree that the Spirit has met the test and passed. And what I learn from these ones is how the Holy Spirit through them has a real heart & compassion for those they come in contact with & that is making me address the `now,` as well as an eye on `direction.`. There is absolutely nothing wrong with testing the spirit, e.g. There is something ABOUT GOD HIMSELF that we dont believe. Come on people! VOILA.hundreds of people come forward in 1 hour! Look at all the healings in the NT. Torben Sndergaard is part of the Oneness Pentecostal sect. Where ever we may find ourselves, anywhere with Jesus we can safely go Psalm 23,91, It means that God will not stop, until every human and fallen angel comes home Ray. , Something similar happened to General George S. Patton during World War II. Were the Hebrews experiencing New Age phenomena in the wilderness? Amen!!! Think of what was inside the arkthe tablets of stone written by the finger of Godmiraculously. Pastor James Durham My friends, that is not discernment. But God has` His keys,`for studying His Word. This goes for others also, not just Trenton, who have commented on Bill Johnson in this thread above, When you make comments about people who are actually your brothers and sisters in the Lord and say publically that they are not and condemn and run them down you are actually condemning and running down Jesus because He stands with them He is one spirit with them just as He is one spirit with you if you belong to Him, When you do this you fight against yourself, So if you cant say, The Holy Spirit told me regarding Bill Johnson in a negative way then I suggest that you dont say anything negative about him at all but take your concerns to the Lord in prayer and support him in prayer, I dont sense from any of the comments made by anyone above about Bill Johnson that any of you (commenters) have done this, But this is what scripture tells you to do, If you think you are spiritual then you are meant to be able to restore someone who you think is caught in a fault with a spirit of meekness thats the proof of your spirituality I dont see that in the comments made about Bill Johnson above, We need to be careful we are those who believe in the Lord one family. I have heard the context of that statement explained by Bill Johnson in one of his sermons, He clearly stated in that sermon that Jesus is God and then he said that Jesus didnt perform His miracles as God but as Man, He explained that he was making the point and he was very clear on this in his sermon that we as born again believers can do empowered by the Holy Spirit the same miracles which Jesus completed while He was on earth as Jesus wasnt using His Divinity to perform those miracles but was performed them as a surrendered Man to the will of God, i.e. Sometimes it is our fear for anothers situation which prompts intercession, the sharing of warnings, admonishments or what-have-you. John the Dreamer The prophet Isaiah said, arise and let your light shine.. Let us not forget Mathew 7:22-23, which everyone seems to be conveniently ignoring. If a person is suffering, I would rejoice that their suffering is over. The 5-minute video below shares more details about the infiltration and persecution of Torben Sondergaards ministry. Marie, i agree, there are people like what you describe. UNQUOTE. Because he wants to give us the more. Of ourselves,we can do nothing! 2 Thess. Im glad you brought this up Barry, because the scriptures overwhelmingly tell us that Gods ways are set apart from those of the enemy. Well saidyou have hit a few nails on the head in your last post. It is sadly often, as Terri has said, that it is other Christians who have been disappointed or are afraid what others may think that pour cold water on the faith of others. I believe we are moving In a Direction where everyone is going to say Truly God has visited us! I believe we will see believers so full of Gods spirit walk into a Veterans hospital and heal every amputee and solider who has lost a limb or body part. I have never see one video (much less the one with Torben) providing evidence of objective healings. We are also men of the same nature as you, and preach the gospel to you that you should turn from these vain things to a living God, WHO MADE THE HEAVEN AND THE EARTH AND THE SEA AND ALL THAT IS IN THEM. Jesus condemned the Pharisees not because they did not belong to His group, but because of their hypocrisy, untruthfulness and lack of love. The Lord Himself showed His disciples, We walked out because we felt so oppressed. 1) to be struck with fear, to be seized with alarm Thank God for this man from Scandinavia who was prepared to get out the boat and walk on water! He prayed for every sick person in his extended family, sick people related to friends and acquaintances, etc. I agree that Christ is the focus, and that He is the key actually (Key of David) and also that the Holy Spirit is our guide and teacher, amen. They would not exercise faith and do works of the Spirit to glorify God, but rather prevent unbelievers from entering in. Sondergaard, as he prayed for the sick on the streets and in the It also costs $35 if you want to even be trained in it. Finally a few good religious folk got ahold of him, and told him he couldnt do that. EVERYTHING IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS BASED ON FAITH/TRUST AND SURRENDER. I love HIM even more. He touched the bier of the dead young man. In this video, Torbens legal team brings you up to date on his situation and that of his family and ministry. They all responded that truly God has come to Israel.. And he put his hand into his bosom again; and plucked it out of his bosom, and, behold, it was turned again as his [other] flesh. supermarkets of America. Its far more common then people realize. A hand that miraculously turns leperous; and just as miraculously is healed. Sondergaard advocates a view known as restorationism.. Those who are the Sons of G-d are led by Him- Romans 8:14. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? The staff of Moses that he had in his hand turned into a snake as a sign to the Egyptians, we do not read of this miracle occurring later outside of think about what it was speaking to them. He doesnt pander to the fallen flesh of man that craves excitement and goosepimples.He does works according to His own will and purposes, to show His love and kindness and authority, to open receptive hearts, etc, but not by way of cow-towing or showing off. Jhn 17:13 NASB But now I come to You; and these things I speak in the world so that they may have My joy made full in themselves. We have to go forward into the `true,` thing.`. 5 Remember then from what heights you have fallen. If those like Torden are burdened to go and minister to the streets to glorify the risen Lord, who would prevent it? This is the belief that the church, after the first century, lost important truths and fell into apostasy. This I did. I left it months ago. I would love to talk to people who are also victims, who had a bad experience with it, or whatever. The fight the pioneers are feeling in this hour. Excerpt taken from Your Power In The Holy Spirit By John G Lake. He is SUPERNATURAL AND MYSTERIOUS. The Holy Spirit does the preparing of the soil of peoples hearts. When I read where Moses went up and God wrote the words on the tablets, and came back down the mountain, I find that those stones were written on sapphire. Those that would criticize any such testing should take a step back and realize there is nothing unbiblical about testing such spirits as long as it is done with the right intent. Marilyn, thank you, I appreciate your concernI havent finished reading it yet.usually when I read a thing I just glean what I need to glean, and dont necessarily take in the whole thing. If youre not experiencing His tangible Presence in your private prayer time, youre missing the LIFE that Jesus Christ DIED TO GIVE TO EACH OF US for the salvation of the rest of the world. I continued to suffer pain for almost another year, before going to a chiropractor, where I was first x-rayed, then we discussed my history. Danish Evangelist Torben Sondergaard, shown above with his family, founded and headed a ministry in Denmark calledThe Jesus Center, which trained disciples from thirty nations. Like just maybe he wants His fire burning, and not that of others? Sidelining the teaching of sound doctrine, the preaching of the message of faith in Jesus and sacrificial living and replacing these in mainstream Christianity with the seeking of spiritual experiences , sensuality, self indulgence and the worship and focus on angels and extra biblical revelatory encounters. Because His glory/presence is departing (Holy Spirit is grieved). Wheres the beef in WIERDSVILLE ? It could be miracles, signs, and wonders. All of his pants were tailored to reflect that. The next 15 years he and his wife served God with spreading the Gospel and church planting in different cities around Denmark. Nonethe less Chritian literally transliterated is Christ one or one of Christ This went on for quite some time, before he was exposed. We are never too young or too old to learn more about Jesus and the Father. : of, relating to, or caused by witchcraft OR THE SUPERNATURAL : magical Teshuva, where Jesus said to leave them alone and forbid them not, I agree. Brian Shilhavy Bob Jones, Bill Johnson, and all these false prophets, teachers, evangelists, etc, are all in cahoots with each other. The healer used the leg pulling method I felt fire through my legs and into my lower back. The unveiling is the culmination of all truths expressed from Genesis to Revelation, for all scripture is centred on one purpose & that is to reveal Christ to us in all His glory. It would be hard for God to grow a leg out when the wooden leg is attached. And I will add that God will SEND His apostles, and prophets, etc.. to the people, just as He did with John the Baptist and every other man and woman of God that He has used over the centuries. My email is in case you dont want yours to be public you can send me directly if that is ok with you. The doctor in charge was an atheist and so outraged by it all that he destroyed the medical files and even the record of the man being admitted. I know I have never heard it talked about that I can remember and so the Lord is teaching me. At that instant, I observed my friend was motioning me to come and join him in prayer for the woman who was sick. Like maybe God wants a *clear* separation of His ways from the enemys ways? a) to be troubled with cares LET HIS KINGDOM COME AND HIS WILL BE DONE IM HIS PEOPLE ON EARTH AS IT IS DONE IN HEAVEN!!! Try it you will like it!!! After all, Paul was not sinless like Jesus. Arrested NOT for Gun Smuggling, but for no-visa & fake Asylum - to be deported to Denmark. Acts 14:10-15 Yeshua is not returning for Christians He is only returning for His sheep who hear His voice and follow Him. The healed man stood in total shock, then started moving his arm and feeling of it with his other hand, awed by the miracle. A recently graduated high school student at the Sprint store was relating his recent loss of three friends to heroin, PN If its appropriate, can you expound on the GOOD SAMARITAN LAW regarding the use of naloxone on someone whom, Very informative post! The ministry grew to become globally recognized and in 2014 they founded a missionary training school which in 2018 became known asThe Jesus Center. Watchful- THIS work of God in us is holiness. Because they have slowly over time been taught and have become habituated to WIERDSVILLE . Thank you for the clarification Andrew! Those who CANNOT GIVE UP CONTROL TO THE HOLY SPIRIT WILL NOT MANIFEST THE FRUIT OR THE GIFTS. The apostles did and signs/wonders followed. Accordingly, I cannot judge your motives or your walk with the Lord, nor can you judge mine. I went to a conference of Rick Joyners where women with extremely long hair writhed on the floor like serpents (these women were allowed on stage). Try it you will like it!!! So called religious devotion and zeal initiated by man IS UNHOLY AND PROFANE regardless out good intentions! VIDEO MIRACLES AT WALMART Please Watch!! torben aagaard Reflect that to friends and acquaintances, etc come and join him in prayer for the woman who was in... Nate Johnston Andrew JH thankyou for that good news update the Spirit, e.g judge your or! But rather prevent unbelievers from entering in Herning, Denmark sometimes it is our fear for anothers which... Would come to a point of repentance and that of others of faith which torben sondergaard bethel! 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