airbnb differentiation strategy

Airbnb becomes the ultimate Host. For example, a campaign in South Korea focused on the target audiences desire for authentic, fast-paced getaways among the locals. Listings make up a big chunk of Airbnbs Instagram content, and are clearly meant to evoke a sense of wanderlust in all those who stumble upon them. healthcare workers and teachers) as well as to generate goodwill. entity dataset Sure, you can visit the Louvre, see Buckingham Palace, and climb The Empire State Building but you can do it as if it were your home town, while staying in a place that has character and feels like a home. They created an upsell opportunity by providing a higher tier property that had been manually vetted to ensure the highest possible quality. Having simple instructions on this page gives more context about how the referrals process works. Its a great way to incentivise. Lets firstly take a look at the layout of the Refer Hosts Page. At the time of writing, the Airbnb Fan base is sitting at 15.6 million. As a Consultant, shes dedicated to understanding audiences and helping brands lead a conversation that gives people a reason to follow them. There are three types of corporate strategies applied by Airbnb. Id like to point out Im in no way saying that Airbnb & Humans of New York are similar, but my suggestion is that Airbnb put a focus on creating more posts that tell stories and are about the people who use Airbnb, rather than just showcasing the listings, otherwise I cant see how much more value theyre providing to their audiences than a travel Pinterest board would. Smart play Airbnb. It keeps it consistent for the user to know where key pages are. Australians tend to travel more in their own back yard rather than go abroad, which makes total sense. Theyre also very wise to put a bit of budget behind promoting each post to kick-start the engagement. We can see that that Recommended for you tiles have changed, and Im assuming the ones displayed are based on my browsing habits. Being the experienced brand with strong foothold, the company uses differentiation as a Since then, theyve evolved multiple times; continuously improving their website and user interface, adding new features, creating new products, expanding to new markets, and trying a range of different tactics to drive the growth of their business. Here are three pillars on which Airbnbs new product features, marketing initiatives, new services, and trial programs will be aligned: What is it important? Living on the domain of, the Airbnb blog covers a plethora of content ranging from tips for hosts and guests, information on partnerships, and updates on business initiatives. Privacy Policy. I love free money! But from SEMrush we can see that organic growth has been stagnant for the last year. As a result the event was a little more subdued than Airbnbs expectations, but not from lack of enthusiasm. Hosts write their own descriptions and so, to a degree, Airbnb are at their mercy to help influence the booking, but theyve taken a few simple steps to claim back some power and ensure that useful information is provided to the user. Im being highly pedantic but with the level of personalisation they go to elsewhere on the site (which Ill come to soon), Im holding them to a higher standard. They are known for creating great online user experiences, but they also excel in experiential and live-event marketing. Long-term stays, i.e. Whats worked to their advantage is the creativity they have shown in getting users to engage with their stories and to keep clicking through. Lets break this down a little more. So, based on the same principles as inviting guests, what does the recipient receive this time if theyre invited to become a host? The following table summarises the split between the destination landing pages vs destination website pages: Destination landing pages represent 75% of the pages to which Airbnb are directing users. Its about building trust and giving them a wow experience, and highlighting the value of joining all of which makes it such a powerful engine. Not many businesses go above and beyond in this way. But that wont be enough, theyll need a comprehensive backlink strategy to appear authoritative and rank for the relevant keywords. Lacking a strong organic search strategy and missing fundamental CRO elements: Airbnb is not activity driving organic traffic to the stories nor converting any readers which may land here. Looks pretty unique, wouldnt you say? Lets look at a few more interesting email marketing use-cases. When compared with, its evident who the backlink winner is: had close to 100,000 Referring Domains pointing to their website in 2013, while Airbnb has yet to reach the 7,000 Referring Domain mark. Within days, Airbnb introduced a Host Guarantee that every property would be insured up to USD$50,000 for any damage incurred by guests. The company ended Q4 2021 with its highest number of active listings yet. How does such a statement resonate with in-the-flesh hosts, where individuals or property managers? With a huge opportunity to showcase whats on offer in each city, guests can use guidebooks to discover things to do on their travels. Airbnb offer $15 off to guest referrals (discount) and $200 for a successful host referral (incentive). Airbnb offers private accommodation to users, which means that the listings they feature are generally investment properties owned by an individual who would not be able to link to their listing or the Airbnb website outside of social media. Where it gets interesting is to see how the home page differs when Im signed in. Its important to also keep in mind when reviewing Airbnb compared to their competitors (from an Australian search perspective) that our analysis is purely of the Australian Airbnb site. They needed to find a way to establish trust, and an incentive for users to spread the word. I think people who book an Airbnb in LA would also consider New York, San Diego and the other options. This online marketplace l ets travellers find a home-li ke place in a foreign city and lets hosts give their home in exchange of rent.. As of now, there are 2.9 million hosts on Airbnb worldwide and more than seven million listings in over 200 countries. The use of the word unique is what I find particularly interesting they could have gone with a number of different adjectives that could be used to describe a home. They havent over-complicated things, which makes it more enticing for a user to share. This is what happens when we click Show invite details. Since the pandemic, Airbnb has been adamant that its core focus is individual hosts. As most businesses know, testimonials are extremely valuable. When it comes to landing pages, they mostly feature local imagery to help provide a more relevant result, and it would seem they are testing short form pages against longer ones to see which converts better. Why? Live there. For Airbnb, travel is about a personal, unique and local adventure no matter where you are in the world and we start to see this within the personalisation aspects of the platform. It keeps users engaged and, in many ways, motivated to invite more friends or follow those up who havent signed up. Both personas have a very simplified UX for sharing via email or a custom link. They assist Googles algorithm with determining your sites authority, credibility and relevance. I think one great way of doing this is by sharing content that is unique and not the same content that youve previously shared on your Facebook Page or Instagram feed. Many of the ads they use feature video, which is positive, but they dont feature real Australians talking about their experiences with being an Airbnb host. However, the generic accommodation terms are generally located low on Page 1, whereas search terms that include Airbnb or air bnb or bnb are generally in the top 4 performing positions. As Jacqui mentioned in her SEO section, they could also do more with their content to generate backlinks to their site and improve their organic search rankings. I cant imagine youd find much, if any, content on the Australian Twitter account which hasnt been shared to Facebook or Instagram already, but thats ok, as with only 10.8k Followers on Twitter and 19% of Aussies using it, I dont think Airbnb need to worry about creating unique content for this channel. It would be interesting to know if they did this intentionally in order to keep the user on Airbnbs site due to the similar experience, instead of allowing the user to go offsite to a location where they would see competitor listings. Visual content is the holy grail of authenticity and shows the extent that brands should be willing to go when selling to their audience. Each time a listing was made in their area on Craigslist, they would email the home owner and ask if they would like to list on Airbnb. The strange thing is, Im on the Australian domain so you would assume they at least have it personalised there. Book a real home in [Location] for less than a hotel room . Luckily they have an extensive content catalogue which they can use to drive these backlinks but need to be more aggressive in promoting it, and perhaps create additional resources that are more backlink-friendly to really succeed in organic search. And you know who really wins with this process? Instagrams organic reach & algorithm works slightly differently, but well get to that later. To date, there are over 4470 pages of support threads, so users should be able to find a question already asked and hopefully answered. Exclusive newsletter for rental entrepreneurs. And once you press Share your Link, you come to this screen. For example, in a separate browser abandonment series of emails that was triggered by me looking at Los Angeles accommodation, Airbnb reference in the subject line and hero section of the email that people travelling to Los Angeles typically book their accommodation at least 2 months prior: Airbnb astutely sent me this email 2 months and 13 days prior to the travel dates I specified as part of my search. And not every Airbnb experience Ive heard about is an overwhelmingly positive one. This online marketplace l ets travellers find a home-li ke place in a foreign city and lets hosts give their home in exchange of rent.. As of now, there are 2.9 million hosts on Airbnb worldwide and more than seven million listings in over 200 countries. With this guarantee, Airbnb have assured hosts that should the absolute worst happen, they will be covered by the company that enabled the transaction. These experiences are presumably curated based on their recommendation engine, and this email can be dispatched to all users for which there are adequate Airbnb Experiences in their destination to populate the email. Focusing on their Australian site, Airbnb primarily ranks for the following two types of keywords: According to SEMrush, Airbnb is currently ranking for 316,900 keywords relating to travel, accommodation, and brand-based search terms. This is pretty standard for most product pages, but Airbnb do it well. If you havent built a community before nor done community marketing, youre not alone. This shouldnt come as a surprise to anyone who sells a tangible product, but the way you present the product in images makes all the difference. And the top performing organic keywords are. Referral Marketing: Airbnb are poster boys of growth through referrals how exactly do they do it? And think about it for a second would you share referrals like this via email? Its basic copywriting psychology you need to instantly show value right up front, which Airbnb have done here. From then on, the sections appear in the same order that they did when I wasnt logged in, but the content within them changes sometimes. This is a key problem. How does it help them acquire new users & retain existing travellers? This period of updates was named the Maccabee Update by Search Engine Roundtables Barry Schwartz, and according to industry experts was focused around User Experience and impactful keyword permutations. In numerous cities, regulations on short-term rentals are harsher than ever, so it is not sure that the number of listings there can ever come back to pre-pandemic levels. They also seem to have this automated, as they share many of the exact same photos and captions on Twitter posts as they do on Facebook. Airbnb is what is often referred to as a cybermediary (Gialgis et al, 1999), a corporation that benefits from a leaner cost structure, global reach, and technological economies of scale, the result of large volumes at low transaction costs. A more aggressive content marketing strategy by creating more onsite content and updating existing content to target specific locations and relevant high traffic volume keywords, Airbnb are likely to continue increasing in position across Google and thus increase their organic market share. This action takes them beyond the scope of a simple accommodation booking tour, however does not quite match the integrations available through main competitors or, who offer the following different features: also has arrangements with a number of other services to assist the user with making this a one-stop shop, such as partnering with restaurant reservation services. Once you press the link, you get to this screen. Airbnb becomes the ultimate Host. Of course its easier to sell to existing customers than new ones, and theres no better time than when they are finalising their booking or have recently just completed their booking. They currently dont do much to get the people browsing these pages to move through the funnel and look at search results (its unclear whether looking at these pages when signed in triggers email sequences). All of this means peace of mind for any prospective guest. The short answer is yes, but heres why. However, this is not to say that their email strategy is leveraging all the data they have available, as its important they dont overshare: We make use of data in every email that we send. This move will enable professional hospitality companieslike small, independent boutique hotelsto have a place on the platform. WebThe Airbnb marketing strategy: helping guests feel right at home March 19, 2021 Airbnbs marketing strategy leverages every opportunity to communicate its value while remaining warm and inviting. What I have noticed on this page is that average user engagement is quite high. As a potential new host, seeing content from other hosts involved in the conversation certainly helps in the decision making process to join. It was all about trusting people, not logos. You can see another variation of this email here. As we can see on the community portal page, the community centre is broken down into 3 core pillars: The primary focus for this content pillar is helping those who are hosts or potential hosts to connect with other hosts, share stories, ask for advice, and get updates from the Airbnb team. Next we get some useful details about the property. This needs to be done in the right way though, as it still needs to come across as authentic. The team may be a business or group of people the owner has a legal contract with. Overall, its a great channel if users or potential users are looking for extra information. By creating resourceful content, tools, calculators, guides, unique data such as statistical information, videos etc, Airbnb gives other websites a reason to link to their website without having to allocate a huge portion of their marketing budget to hustling for links. For each core section of the community section stated above, each has different page layouts focused on the goals of the user, keeping core desired actions in mind. The Meta Descriptions across the website are largely templated, however Google is in some locations pulling a dynamic Meta Description through to the page of what they think is the most relevant information to be displayed. Because Airbnbs brand is such that competitors like Home Away are bidding on their brand name, its important Airbnb continue to protect these terms with spend. Cities like Orlando and Kissimmee usually rank high in market size for vacation rental revenues. A new onsite optimisation strategy Ill go into this in more detail in the next section, but currently the onsite optimisation for Title Tags and Meta Descriptions on the website follows a fairly standard template that could be improved upon by testing new and engaging meta data across key pages. In the process, Airbnb not only helped give artists an opportunity to create beautiful works of art, but give travelers a vibrant and accurate sense of their destinations. He owns vacation rentals in St. Barths and Bali. Airbnb, Vrbo, and Booking Software Partner Programs: How to Qualify and Should Property Managers Care? Airbnb have put a lot of work into designing a marketplace that is built on trust. a) The keywords your competitors are ranking for that you are not. Theres even an image of the host to prove its a real person behind it all. For small and large, for packed and sparse, for quiet and loud, cultured and corporate. One element that does change to my advantage is the navigation bar. They speak to the desire of the traveller, rather than define or describe the product itself. The stories, tips, and tricks all help to reinforce the positive feelings that hosts get as part of being part of the Airbnb community. I now know what to get mum for her 52nd birthday . But that doesnt mean I would use it at all costs. This experience illustrated to the company the importance of beautifying their host spaces, but also how important it is to incorporate local insights into their offline, experiential events. Ill bring them up next to each other so its easier to see. Something I found of interest and that may have had an impact on Airbnbs 2017/2018 growth was that there were several small Google algorithm updates made in December 2017 an unusual time for updates due to the impact these changes can have on eCommerce. The staycation is also becoming more popular and I dont doubt that businesses like Airbnb have played a part in that. 3 key pieces of information about hosting in other words, 3 USPs. The gap signified the gap in marriage equality for the LGBTQI community. Perhaps they have data to suggest that people who visit the site when logged in are more likely to be browsing, but even still, wouldnt you want to browse specific dates? Ill be looking at specifics here and sharing how they use personalisation to deliver the best experience. What is interesting as an observation is that the copy doesnt mention the value that the recipient of the referral would receive (as they also get $38). Theyve done this so well that theyve become synonymous with non-hotel accommodation booking, and created a new way to travel. The campaigns goals were not just to raise awareness, but to highlight the human side of the company by showing support for an issue they were passionate about. When going through the site now, there are 3 key characteristics that stand out to me. On average, Humans of New York are achieving an engagement rate of 3.35% and this engagement isnt only coming from Likes, its from comments too, which means theres more conversation happening. From this email Airbnb are trying to get me back to their website. It needs more hosts. Fortunately for them, for brands to see success on Instagram its mostly all about sharing compelling/authentic imagery, which Airbnb does have. By creating a hyper-local section of the community pages, Airbnb have reduced the clutter on the main section, while also building a community within the community. High level of technology integration into various business processes. By creating this new tier of product, Airbnb have provided a solution to potential travellers who have reservations about the quality of their properties. Is Airbnb encouraging referrals more through their mobile app? Pick up a paintbrush and channel your inner Bob Ross, dance at a sunset silent disco in San Francisco, and discover Portos vibrant history as youre led through the tiled streets by a local. One other example Im going to give to you is on customer service. Next, Ive clicked on Food Scene and then Cafe and Coffee Shops. Its an interesting challenge worth watching closely if youre a user of Airbnb. Superhosts must also satisfy other criteria in order to qualify for this status, including maintaining at least a 90% response rate and receiving five-star reviews 80% of the time. The pending view is definitely a smart feature to include. The Airbnb homepage is currently receiving 57.82% of all traffic to the website, with it ranking for 3,929 keywords. If Ive already booked accommodation, this section may still be of interest, or if I havent booked accommodation, this is another angle by which I could be re-excited by my interest in visiting Santa Monica. Thus, airbnb has managed to craft a growth strategy based on a very simple concept of crowsourcing and word of mouth, a strategy which has helped airbnb hit a USD 13 billion valuation (Patel, 2015). Here are three pillars on which Airbnbs new product features, marketing initiatives, new services, and trial programs will be aligned: Live anywhere on Airbnb. But Airbnb dont believe they offer properties, they believe they offer an experience a way of travelling. It is also worth noting that paid search is capturing one website visitor for every two visitors captured from organic search in my experience, this is fairly typical of late-stage high growth companies that operate larger websites. You could argue as to why Airbnb havent made referring hosts even more prominent on the page due to the importance of making sure demand doesnt outweigh supply. This section of the community centre is fairly similar to the previous one, but it focuses on much more localised content. You can imagine that it would be strange to see these posts in the Explore tips & tricks section. Whats clear to me is how much value they put on understanding their users, both guests and hosts, and building a strategy that speaks to them directly. Another benefit is that there is no perceived substitute considering that the organisation focuses on the quality and nature of the service (Arens & Hamilton, 2018). What I have found very interesting is that the money you receive via the mobile app is $145 AUD shown rather than $22 via Desktop? In a highly competitive industry as hospitality's, word spreading can make all difference in enhancing a brand's image. But, if Airbnb becomes a destination where people book more stays per year, the company may have enough data and opportunities to make accurate recommendations and predictions. In this section Ill be looking at how they use Facebook (both paid and non paid), Instagram, and Twitter to promote themselves, attract new guests and hosts, and keep existing users engaged. Following a platform business model. Being the experienced brand with strong foothold, the company uses differentiation as a A well-rounded and entrepreneurial individual with more than 12 years experience in working with and launching startups, Tam is skilled at managing multiple products simultaneously. I say this because users can have a very short attention span on Stories and Instagram in general, so even if they are engaged with your content, theyll still be ready to take the next action almost immediately. At the top section, its a different layout compared to the guest referral page. For certain links that they share, I think this strategy works quite well. The whole experience was streamlined. That being said, there are still definitely elements of their marketing that could be improved, which just goes to show that no business is perfect and should always strive to do better. The final call to action is also positioned with low intent language: Ultimately, I like how Airbnb have approach their landing page strategy and Im sure the breath of dynamically generated pages as well as their recommendation engine was resource intensive. Heres what Airbnb for Work is about: Reimagine how your employees travel, connect, and collaborate with Airbnb for Work. Companies may be interested in working with Airbnb to provide remote working locations to their teams for a week or two, for instance. Airbnb becomes the ultimate Host. As a new potential host, this instantly illuminates that Airbnb and the community are here to support. Like what we saw with Airbnbs search ads, from an export of 50,000 Airbnb ads, there were 8,000 unique URLs. A website should do more than make you look good, it should also help your user understand and use your business. Every single business with an online presence needs to have some form of social proof listed on its site, and most would aspire to do it as well as Airbnb. Taken together, these offline and digital marketing efforts are closely tied to their values as a company and the relationships they strive to build with their community. Apart from the images, the screen displays most of the top level information you would want to know about the property at a glance: The headline, the location, the price, and the number of bedrooms, bathrooms, and guests. The next section makes a lot of sense jump into the upsell. He argues that the use of a specific threshold would bias the perception of distribution as a whole and could be misleading. Airbnbs popularity has skyrocketed as an alternative to hotels since its launch in 2008. The modal design sticks with the above principles to ensure continued appeal to the recipient: This seamless experience makes me want to continue with the sign up process. Utilising the strengths of storytelling and curation has been the driving force behind the brands onsite content success. They could trial using a number of different Meta Descriptions as opposed to a single template to see if this has a positive impact. One thing I did notice in my research is that many of the listings they share in posts do not feature people (see Feed example above) theres lots of empty chairs, empty beds, and generally untouched settings. As you click through youll find an embedded Google map of the area followed by a feed of images and captions, boasting the street art, best coffee shops and vintage boutiques of the enclave. Its important to do some of the work for them. 2) Strategic resourcesTheir core competencies is providing unique travel experience, its bringing people together and providing a space for rent in an apartment rather than a simple hotel. Its not as easy as you think. In their own words. The Rental Scale-Up vacation rental marketing blog. A platform business model can be defined as a business model that focuses on 2. Group travel Traveling in a group makes it more likely you will choose Airbnb. This may explain why Airbnb saw a huge bump not necessarily because they arent actioning the above strategies (because they are) but rather that in comparison to their competitors like and the amount of pages they have are significantly less. We helped one company grow from $25M to $190M revenue in 4 years, and we work with challenger brands that want to make a serious impact in their industry and have the resources (and the will) to make it happen. This ramble has probably given away the fact that Im a huge fan of Airbnb and have used it frequently, but this just goes to show the power of differentiation. However there is still less linking to booking sites than you might expect, as the commercial properties themselves generally prefer bookings be made direct, which saves them the commission required when a third-party site takes the booking. Marketing is not just about acquiring new customers or creating a recognizable brand. 2) Strategic resourcesTheir core competencies is providing unique travel experience, its bringing people together and providing a space for rent in an apartment rather than a simple hotel. Instead, they provide the mobile-friendly option of SMS (and, of course, Facebook and Whatsapp) to make it a seamless experience. And while many businesses have been created that rent out properties on Airbnb, there are still a significant number of properties where the host still lives there. Now lets look into what the recipient receives via email once a user press send invites. Ive got to say, Im not overly impressed by whats above the fold when Im logged in. Created for the curious ties in quite well with the main header above the fold, people looking for a unique experience. In a global Airbnb market study, Ke (2017) shows that there is no optimal threshold that enables differentiation between professional and non-professional hosts. , there were 8,000 unique URLs has been adamant that its core focus is hosts! Created an upsell opportunity by providing a higher tier property that had been manually to... Integration into various business processes follow those up who havent signed up on this page is that user. Them acquire new users & retain existing travellers custom link Partner Programs: how Qualify... One element that does change to my advantage is the holy grail of authenticity and shows the that. To know where key pages are on this page gives more context about how the home page differs when signed. Of active listings yet keep clicking through process works to that later writing, the Airbnb Fan is! 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