shinji and asuka hospital

The scene with shinji and asuka in the hospital is the ultimate symbol of female characters as sex objects. See also: Resources:End of Evangelion Screenplays. The following material has been disputed by more fanbase discussions over the years, but has been consistent with evidence that has emerged later, such as releases of extra material on blu-ray. It is important to note that, in the second part of the mind-violation, Asuka denies feeling lonely and reaffirms her independent attitude. Interestingly, it is also through his hands that he controls his Eva, reflecting the weight that is in them, even though he is not sure about his attitudes and their meaning. She was willing to open up to him, only to be hurt in return. Even through Asuka can empathize with Shinji, she can't deny the feeling of disgust she carries with him, which justifies the sentence. It is at this point that all the pent-up frustration and attraction, that the boy felt for Asuka, push him to masturbate right next to her. Friends see a relationship of which the character's themselves are blind, either teasing or offering advice, however their mutual insecurities keep them from attaining something deeper. Essentially, in Asuka's case, she rejects the part of herself she deems unacceptable in an attempt to maintain a positive image of herself as an independent and mature person. I recently finished EoE and so my mind has been a bit scrambled as you can imagine. [Baden-Baden] This may appear apparent, but the optimum time to choose a health center occurs when you don't will need one. Curiously, while making his own scene, Anno made it clear that Asuka's feelings were directed at Shinji, having supplanted her crush for Kaji. This is also supported in a more subtextual manner via clever use of cuts during important moments to establish a parallel between the Shinji/Asuka relationship and that of Misato and Kaji. Marking the appearance of Asuka Soryu Langley, in Neon Genesis Evangelion, episode 8 is mostly used to introduce us to the personality of the German pilot. After this moment and in Episode 16, Evangelion as a whole has a tonal shift, and becomes far darker and more blatantly philosophical and psychological. Asuka once again expresses envy when Shinji is given more attention than her, as he is testing Rei's Evangelion. Her familiarity with Shinji is at once apparent as she greets him with a cheery "Guten Morgen! [1][2] While Shinji and Asuka come to a turning a point (the kiss in Episode 15) but fail to reach out to one another, at the very same time Misato and Kaji are able to rekindle their relationship and enjoy brief, but real intimacy and happiness. Asuka is shown to express awareness of Shinji's attraction for her, something she had known since the end of ep.9, but likely received further confirmation of, during Instrumentality. Often times it is impossible to determine with certainty if the characters are themselves or just a projection, a limited representation of who they really are. Screenwriter Akio Satsukawa, who worked on twelve Evangelion episodes, also worked with Anno on Love & Pop, a 1998 live-action romantic drama film. Despite the annoyed tone, the remark can be seen as her admission of needing the boy's support in the fight. Which genuinely contrasts with her empathetic attitude at the same time. Misato has momentarily substituted Rei for Asuka in the synchro-attack training and Rei aces it the first try. Asuka:"The sight of you makes me so irritated!". The exchange in question relates to the psychological concept of shadow (one of the terms to appear during Asuka's mind-violation in ep.22). Asuka caresses Shinji and shows compassion to him, something that is unprecedented. Misato comes in Shinji's defense asking Asuka to adapt to him, which she refuses to do, and then replacing her with Rei, in an attempt to poke Asuka's pride and make her compromise. From the most positive to the most catastrophic views. So those two sentences basically say the same thing (unclear vs will change). Instead of going on the school trip Asuka, Shinji and Rei spend their time at the swimming pool. Rejecting Shinji's pleas here, in her mind, also counts as payback. The characters have a new opportunity to discover themselves and learn to deal with others going forward, but they will also have to deal with a world of uncertainty, facing the ruin of civilization as they knew it, and the return (or not) of people. In truth, Shinji's attempts to help Asuka are simply a selfish way to gain her love and acceptance. [6], What interests us directly regarding this scene are the changes throughout the final sequence of the film. What the scenes imply is that the new birth of humanity has its costs, as well as its rediscoveries. Whether to make decisions (episode 1), reflect on your abilities as Eva pilot (episode 16), or condemn himself act after masturbating to Asuka (EoE/25'). This makes room for the possibility that, in fact, no one else will come back. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. You're all just hiding behind a smile! Then you realize that Hikari has already figured out that they are a couple, and feels that it is Shinji's responsibility to protect Asuka from this sort of humiliation. In this way, he manages to accept the reality he witnesses and stops denying it to the other. The adapted lyrics (now in English) have a more romantic and dramatic tone, although it also deals with the same themes. Some fans believe that the Asuka in Episode 26' is not real, and is instead a fake or a creation of Shinji's mind. In this version, Shinji would simply go on living, as there would be nothing left in the world, as no one would return. The eyecatch would appear much earlier and start a long sequence in Live-Action, different from the one seen in the movie. This is an additional hint of Asuka's need for other people's support. Shinji and her friends have entered the room to see her and her reaction is being embarassed. 30 May 2023 09:35:58 The situation is used to offer us additional insight on Asuka's bossy behavior and reckless attitude, which leads the three the wrong way, and on Asuka's dislike of Rei. The scene focuses on another one, showing the cross that Misato gave to Shinji, in a rusted state. Anno had first approached Satsukawa about the project, which he felt was a way for Anno to "run away from Eva". The camera would then reveal that the hand Shinji was holding belonged to a disembodied arm. The only relevant scenes in the episode concern Asuka and Shinji, is when Asuka chews him out for failing to bring lunch to school for her, and Shinji meekly making excuses in return, leading them to get accused by Toji of fighting like a married couple, which they both deny. it showed how in his own words, fucked up shinji was while showing what characters like asuka usually end up being. In all these scenes, Shinji mostly demonstrates insecurity, an important marker of his personality. Shinji resists, haunted by the guilt of killing Kaworu and violating Asuka. As End of Eva opens, Shinji visits an unconscious Asuka in her hospital room. Last A starts out exactly as we know it. Despite the growing distance between one another, Shinji does not wish to hurt her, even if Asuka might think otherwise. In episode 11 both pairs end up in compromising positions. Asuka:"Stay away from me, because all you do is hurt me.". Tojocest as the Shinji and Asuka hospital scene. We are given some insight on Asuka's school life, thanks to a series of pictures taken by Kensuke. Metaphorically speaking, hands are a form of connection between one person and another, through contact, and also an indicator of self-reflection, especially in the case of Shinji. As for how Ogata should play Shinji Anno asks her to not play Shinji: ". Interestingly, Rei picks up on the fact Asuka is envious of Shinji attaining a higher synch score. Hikari then asks her to go on a blind date, which she agrees to. Further reminding us of the main issue in their relationship; he just doesn't get it and he is too passive to make up for it. To express it in "technical" terms, the shadow is an "unconscious aspect of the personality which the conscious ego does not identify in itself. For example, even the color and length of the hair expresses personality. You'd think she'd mention somewhere in her soliloquy that she felt humiliated to be nearly killed by Shinji or something. She is not yet willing to accept his help, not while blinded by her anger. Asuka is demanding here that Shinji return her attempts at affection, she demands reciprocity, even if she also unwilling to give it back herself. Shinji and Asuka will have the opportunity to deal with their own feelings differently and learn to deal with others without the fear of getting hurt. Additionally, they are the only two characters present in the final scene of End of Evangelion, as their interactions there are emblematic of the themes of the story coming full-circle, even if there is no outright conclusion, as where their relationship will go from there is still left open, be it deeper and real friendship, be it as failure, relapse and retrogression, or even anything more including real and loving romance. Asuka: "Idiot! Asuka yells at them tearfully. Asuka expresses her disappointment and tries to get Shinji to support her point of view but fails to do so, as Shinji seemed to have already accepted that scenario. Here, however, Asuka is finally able to make it clear just how deeply he has failed her and lets him have it with both barrels. In truth, she was seeking some love and help from Shinji. But because of how introspective/psychological the ending becomes and how everyone is in multiple places taking to each other as if the prior events never took place (the "Who am I?" ", while she stomps disdainfully on a locker full of love letters from her other male classmates. Anno also guided Ogata to treat OMF partly as a separate story: "as something that just exists. His essay on the master-slave dialectic is probably the most influential idea in his philosophy. Shinji charges headfirst against Leliel and the Angel easily traps and absorbs him, as Asuka and Rei watch helplessly. The two discarded endings are referred to as "Last A" and "Last B". The underlying message is quite clear; Asuka and Shinji's inability to communicate openly and honestly with each other is now directly hampering their effectiveness as team members. Rather, Shinji wants things to be clear-cut and easy, and for people to simply exist to serve his needs, without him having to do anything for them himself or to actually earn their affection. Asuka is unwilling to serve as just Shinji's escape and emotional crutch, and thinks Shinji is unable to return any affections and treat her as a human being. It's worth noting that Asuka made that choice so that Rei, who doesn't eat meat, could join them and to let Misato save some money. . The fact that Anno was not happy with the line demonstrates the complexity of feelings involved there, which probably could not be resolved by a returning to the status quo, as the scene would imply. The act left Miyamura with speech difficulties, which impaired her diction for the last lines. That she is still willing to accept this in a sense might indicate how much she also wants his affections, as long as they are committed. Please help out if you know Japanese! With Shinji not saying a word, he along with his friends have left the room while Asuka breaks down . Later, however, she decides to return to the world where Instrumentality was rejected, and becomes Shinji's "first other". A bleeding Misato passionately kisses Shinji and tells him, "That was an adult kiss. Action and animation in Evangelion are deeply praised. Of course she gets caught, prompting Shinji to laugh for the first time in the series. Distraught over the intense emotional and psychological weight of having to fight to protect humanity from invading aliens, Shinji pleads to Asuka for help. This, in turn, leads to chaotic moments, as their relationship perfectly depicts the Hedgehog's Dilemma, which is one of the show's central pillars. According to her, it was all taken from a situation that an Anno's acquaintance went through with her boyfriend, where he started to strangle her, and she, not knowing what to do, caressed his face, which made him "come back to reality". In effect, Asuka is not only lamenting that Shinji won't support her and hold her during the kiss, but that he didn't even at least give her affection through sex. The second episode dedicated nearly in its entirety to the duo. Encouraged by his friends, Shinji follows Asuka outside and manages to get her to go back to training. Another example would be in Episode 09. She then proceeds to accuse him of not loving anyone, not even himself. There is no clear answer, as their relationship is unlike those traditionally portrayed in this sort of story. From his point of view we are shown Quantum Rei, apparently floating amidst the sea of LCL, which we can now see clearly that its above the city's buildings. Shinji's gaze changes from confusion to a stoic tone as Rei's mysterious figure disappears. the hospital scene establishes his state being as low as it can be, setting the stage for the rest of. Besides attracting women despite the lack of a personality, Shinji is as indecisive and unassuming as harem heroes get. It is impossible to know for sure about the physical state of the world and its fauna and flora, availability of food and clean water, the preservation of buildings and infrastructure, etc. The battle of the next day proves to be a victory, they succeed in reaching harmony (temporarily). Something that, although sounds contradictory with Yui's words, is possible, given the fear that humanity faces, especially after the disasters of Second Impact onwards. Examples include the opening sequence, from the hospital, which would take place in Shinji's room, with some surreal elements permeating the screen; farewell scenes including Shinji's classmates, Asuka saying a sooner "Kimochi warui" when waking up inside Eva-02 etc. Asuka pretends to be fine, leaving Shinji alone in the living room. Enigmatic, imprecise, but open to the best, if humanity so desires. [16], A known situation is that Megumi Ogata (Shinji's voice actress) strangled Yuko Miyamura (Asuka's voice actress) during the recordings in End of Evangelion. Furthermore, the existence of names on the stakes also serve to reinforce that the gravemarkers was raised up by Shinji to his friends. Because Asuka interpreted Shinji's inaction not as simply passivity, insecurity or lack of experience, but instead as outright rejection, she feels clearly hurt about this and considers his proposal insincere, which can be heard very clearly in her tone of voice in the original Japanese, which her voice almost breaking. The difference lies when the gravemarks are seen. A nearby health center like ACURA MVZ Baden-Baden could possibly have an unexpected emergency space with a wonderful status . Interestingly, their roles are reversed as Asuka is the one that provokes and initiates the kiss, but it is Kaji that kisses a self-castigating Misato. It is at that point that Shinji, without hesitation, comes to her rescue in Eva-01, despite it not being fitted with protective equipment, and grabs Eva-02 before it can drift away. "You mean you couldn't read the questions in Japanese?" Asuka, still impressed, points out that perseverance is still a form of power. To put it in simpler terms: she hates Shinji because she hates herself. Worth pointing out is that Asuka was met with indifference by Kaji, when she had tried to impress him, earlier in the episode, with her choice of swimsuit. It is up to the reader, however, to keep in mind that this type of information is susceptible to falsifiability and may be modified later. [9] This scene also directly parallels their kiss in Episode 15. Because of its unclear meaning, it is hard to say whether she's referring to Shinji, herself, or something else. Asuka's reaction comes as a surprise; she caresses him, an act of acceptance meant to symbolize Asuka's growth. The third exchange relates purely to the physical/sexual attraction that exists between the two, not to be mistaken with romantic love. The first part of the movie opens with Shinji seeking comfort and attention from a hospitalized Asuka, as she is asleep (likely drug-induced) and unable to respond. When the camera focuses on Asuka's gravemark, we see it being kicked down by herself. In a sense, by failing to understand and support Asuka before Episode 16, Shinji also failed to create strong enough foundations to their relationship to prevent it from crumbling under the pressure of the defeated Asuka's resentment. They are quarreling like a married couple. She then compares said door to the "unbreakable Walls of Jericho", ordering Shinji not to enter. This scene even features an easter egg echoing the old shoujo manga Anno likes: one of the desks features a drawing of an umbrella with Asuka and Shinji's names written on them. Similarly, in Episode 24, when Ritsuko is confronted by Gendo during her imprisonment, she tells him, literally: "Now that I ain't happy even if you hold me. comment, also scribbled over. Shinji, who was observing the scene, notices from Asuka's expression that something is wrong and inquires to her well being, only to have her irately blame their kiss as the cause of her pain, before she runs off to her room. If both submit to the same, changing each other's role, both acquire their full consciousness. Shinji: "There's no way I could understand you. As a result, she tries to change subjects and to talk about Kaji. End of Evangelion certainly has an enigmatic and paradoxical ending, especially when compared to its anime counterpart. We didn't study it in college over there." The young girl complied and got into the back with Shinji. When the Eva finally moves to let Shinji in, Shinji finally sees Asuka's mutilated Unit 02. When Asuka gets back home in the evening she walks in on Shinji playing the cello, and she applauds him after he plays the piece to finish, admitting that she is impressed with his performance and the fact he plays an instrument. 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