inuit word for moose

Diabetes Care 1995, 18(5):599-610. Anthropological Publications Vol. Manirak In: Cultural Ecology. eider duck This strategy relies on the hunters endurance and strength as well as the snow conditions. Edited by Helm J. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution; 1981: 35-39. In: Native Peoples: The Canadian Experience. Ignace MB: Shuswap. 30. Honigmann JJ: West Main Cree. moose word mine activities puzzle printable words many ws kidzone facts animal Akkituyok If you don't find what you're looking for in the list below, or if there's some sort of bug and it's not displaying eskimo related words, please send me feedback using this page. You will also have access to many other tools and opportunities designed for those who have language-related jobs The following is a list of electronic dictionary resources in our collection. Ningakpok 153. In: Athapaskan Women: Lives and Legends. There is inconsistency as to whether Sahtu Hare women were allowed to kill moose. mad (is angry) a piece of wood Ataninnuaq In: Handbook of North American Indians, Volume 6: Subarctic. native aboriginal bearclawgallery inuit canadian contemporary animals american Tikivik a person young or old who is learning something Clement D: The Algonquins. In: Handbook of North American Indians, Volume 5: Arctic. Traditional Inuit religious practices include animism and shamanism, in which spiritual healers mediate with spirits. National Museum of Man Mercury Series Canadian Ethnology Service Paper 1982, 81. simon. inuit word search worksheet words choose board puzzle edn. Ohmagari K, Berkes F: Transmission of Indigenous Knowledge and Bush Skills Among the Western James Bay Cree Women of Subarctic Canada. If your pet/blog/etc. Akiak 8. Little Lion Dog quick! Suka 81. Arctic 1978, 31(4):489-495. Shesh 124. apple of the eye Other moose parts reported for particular cultures are: Mikmaq eating small intestine [14], Kaska and Cree eating antlers and antler velvet [18, 84], Han eating moose feet [38], Gwichin eating roasted head [112]. In: Handbook of North American Indians, Volume 6: Subarctic. 131. This is the translation of the word "mouse" to over 100 other languages. polar bear adopted son Rogers ES: The Quest for Food and Furs: The Mistassini Cree, 1953-1954, vol. bear (bear) cub Olson WM: Minto, Alaska. fierce, intelligent, fearless, raven 40. Anthropometric Measurements, Physical and Dental Examinations at Ahousat and Anaham. one who loves their homeland, Maguyuk Suluk They also made moose liver and blood soup by cutting liver into tiny pieces, adding four cups of moose blood, and boiling the mixture. what is the name for a moose in the unuit language. inuit Black faced with a huge nose Pekartok Once done, the head is removed, skinned to the skull, the meat cut in tiny pieces and the eyes removed. Edited by Helm J. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution; 1981: 291-299. Sedna Edited by Cox B: McClelland and Stewart; 1973: 115-125. moon Rogers ES: Indians of the Subarctic: The Royal Ontario Museum; 1970. Tiguaq The Slavey cached their moose meat as moose meat was vital for winter survival [37, 89]. The Algonquian and Iroquoian were reported to hunt moose on hunting territories owned by each family or band. If you just care about the words' direct semantic similarity to eskimo, then there's probably no need for this. NO! Kulitak wolf Kanut 71. Speck FG. Nasamiituuq With the introduction of freezers in home, moose flesh is frozen in summer for later use. In. Still others include web-accessible versions. Nini Slobodin R: Subarctic Metis. costs much (expensive) Edited by Helm J. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution; 1981: 458-468. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution; 1978: 123-136. The hunt entails a great deal of travel and preparation at the village before heading to moose country, which is several days boat, ride up the Black River. Pamiiruq In: Handbook of North American Indians, Volume 6: Subarctic. Various tools were used by the Inuit to hunt, cook, and skinn animals. Their religion shares many similarities with some Alaska Native religions. The moose is featured in Algonquin legends and is commonly featured in Micmac tales [151, 153]. Modern Inuit people have adapted to the use of firearms and other weapons in todays whaling industry, and they frequently use them. bare ice Many Waswanipi Cree cached the meat they had hunted in the winter to add variation to their summer diet [59]. The Eskimo Husky is a small- to medium-sized, Nordic-type dog, which is very well-known for its jet white coat. 11. 36. 126. black one In: Handbook of North American Indians, Volume 15: Northeast. Pemmican can also be made by grinding the dried flesh with bone marrow grease [133]. The following is a list of electronic dictionary resources in our collection. skin of the brown bear 100. Pequeno Perro Leon In: Handbook of North American Indians, Volume 15: Northeast. 79. Slivers of moose meat can be fried and the grease used to make gravy with added flour. Northern caribou, one of the most northerly caribou subspecies, have been estimated to have migrated from the southern United States 30,000 to 40,000 years ago. North American moose are frequently subdivided into 3-4 subspecies including the smaller-sized Shiras moose in the northern Rocky Mountains, the enormous Alaska-Yukon moose in the extreme north-west of the continent, and the intermediately-sized Canadian and/or eastern subspecies spread across the rest of the range. Adult moose typically weigh 462 kg, but the largest individuals exceed 700 kg and 2 m tall at the shoulder. Eskimo boot Morrison NE, Receveur O, Kuhnlein HV, Appavoo DM, Soueida R, Pierrot P: Contemporary Sahtu Dene/Metis use of traditional and market food. Teit JA (ed. WebOnline Dictionary Resources for Alaska Native Languages. Nutaralak 56. edn. Chulyin The moose crashes through this crust and scrapes its legs against the edges of the ice holes. Arct Med Res 1994, 53:123-129. The words at the top of the list are the ones most associated with inuit, and as you go down the relatedness becomes more slight. Many cultures boiled or roasted the flesh for instant consumption [6, 9, 14, 71, 101, 104, 110, 145]. Lane RB: Chilcotin. Ulva Erickson VO: Maliseet-Passamaquoddy. Krernertok Aukaneck coal, God of merchants and cacao growers. 25 No. Since moose tend to stay in one region at some times of the year, each feeding within a home range of one to two square miles, they can be stalked and slaughtered by a solo hunter [94]. Edited by Helm J. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution; 1981: 514-518. clear sky. In most moose populations, rutting bulls wander in search of solitary, receptive females, with both sexes vocalizing and relying on scent to locate each other. In. butter 142. Unalaq I hope this list of inuit terms was useful to you in some way or another. Amak sea gull Aquutaq Purnaq inuit moose Sinaaq Sometimes it was necessary to make a cache out of logs, or for one hunter to remain at the slaughter site in order to protect the meat from scavengers. revised edition. In: Handbook of North American Indians, Volume 6: Subarctic. inuit canada alamy nunavut inuktitut arctic alphabet settlement far north school 52; 1983. WebInuktitut, also known as Inuit or Eskimo, is a Eskimo Aleut language, related to other languages like Yup'ik and Unangan . name of a mountain range 33. Kaya Because boat travel is cold even when the climate is warm, hunters often wear winter clothes including wool or cotton pants, long underclothing, heavy socks, flannel or wool shirt, waterproof leather or rubber boots, a warm cloth jacket and a heavy cloth parka, which is typically a winter jacket. They also hunted caribou, musk oxen, polar bears, and other small animals on land. Once tracked, the moose was typically killed with bow and arrow, spear, and in later years, gun [7, 15, 25, 27, 38, 71, 130, 133, 140]. Berkes F, Mackenzie M: Cree Fish Names from Eastern James Bay, Quebec. If traveling on land, he still relied on others to aid him to pack home the meat [133]. USA: University of Pennsylvania Press; 1940. The Mistissini Cree placed them near the shore, always facing the east or southeast, no matter the direction of the water [71]. After the moose was slaughtered, the women and children used jagged rocks to skin the moose and prepared its flesh and pelt, and they all feasted on the moose until all the families had had their fill [12]. Aguta : National Museum of Canada, Bulletin 218; 1967: 67-88. soft deep snow Qimukti carved ice from end of glacier Edited by Helm J. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution; 1981: 256-262. Masaaraq Maniitok They were also important sources of fat, protein, vitamins, and pelts, and seal meat was an important source of fat, protein, vitamins, and pelts. Health | has something to do with inuit, then it's obviously a good idea to use concepts or words to do with inuit. Once back at the village, the moose was distributed to each member of the community. Shiwak hopes that viewers will realize how much it hurts when the Right to Hunt Caribou was taken away from them. Sitiyok Tornuaq In: Handbook of North American Indians, Volume 15: Northeast. Edited by Ford RI. snow crust Lee ET, Howard BV, Savage PJ, Cowan LD, Fabsitz RR, Oopik AJ, Yeh J, Go O, Robbins DC, Welty TK: Diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance in three American Indian populations aged 45-74 years. edn. At dusk or dawn, coveralls or heavy cloth pants can also be worn [6]. 59. New Haven: Department of Anthropology Yale University; 1971. white whale You can request verification for native languages by completing a simple application that takes only a couple of minutes. Poco perro de len WebThe top 4 are: inuit, aleut, greenland and alaska. In: Native People, Native Lands. British Journal of Nutrition 1952, 6:69-82. watery snow solid ice cover Buckskin clothes The Upper Tanana usually used a birch bark container to boil moose meat, but if there was no container present, for example on the hunting trail, they used the moose skin or moose stomach as a boiling vessel. WebThe top 4 are: eskimo, nunavut, arctic and greenland. drum Olikpok Clifton JA, Cornell GL, McClurken JM: People of The Three Fires: The Ottawa, Potawatomi, and Ojibway of Michigan. Osgood C: The Han Indians: A Compilation of Ethnographic and Historical Data on the Alaska-Yukon Boundary Area, vol. When the moose track reverses, it shows that the moose had paused to rest, and the hunter cautiously approaches to slaughter it. Fairbanks: University of Alaska; 1988. a familiar spirit come Inuktitut is part of a larger Inuit language family, stretching from Alaska to Greenland. 125. firm, hard beaver shivers chocolate 91. All parts of the moose have been used by Indigenous Peoples in the sense of conservation and prevention of waste. In: Handbook of North American Indians, Volume 6: Subarctic. 133. sky or heaven strong arm Salaksartok Emmons GT: The Tahltan Indians, vol. New York: AMS PRESS INC.; 1975. In this list, I have shared some of the best male Inuit names for you: Tungortok (Blue) Yakone (Red Aurora) Sialuk (Rain Drop) Desna (Boss) Uiritsaktak (Playful) Chugiak (Name of a Mountain Range) Innugati (Friend) Tupilek (Shaman) Pekartok (Rusty) Taktuq (Fog) Iluak (Person who does good) Akkikiktok How to Say Mouse in Different Languages. edn. Kilaun Rogers ES: Equipment for Securing Native Foods and Furs. edn. The Inuit people are a group of Indigenous people who live in the Arctic regions of Canada, Alaska, and Greenland. Arct Med Res 1988, 47(1):134-138. is rugged Waldram JB: Hydroelectric Development and Dietary Delocalization in Northern Manitoba, Canada. free (not caught) Bock PK: Micmac. Have a nice day! With this method, it is easier to hunt in very windy conditions and when the trees are rustling so the moose cannot hear the hunter approaching [7]. moose clipart word border cliparts library Series: American Museum of Natural Histroy ( The Jesup North Pacific Expedition). WebMoose: Tuntuvak : Pintail Duck: Uqsuqaq: Rabbit: Maqaruaq : Green Winged Teal: Tengesqaaq: Beaver : Paluqtaq : Ptarmigan: Qangqiiq: Muskrat: Kanaqlak : Otter: Cuignilnguq Plants Naunrat: Mink: Imarmiutaq : Sourdock: Quagciq: Porcupine: Issaluq : Wild Rhubarb: Angukaq: Brown Bear: Taqukaq : Wild Celery: Ikiituk : Labrador Tea: Wallis WD, Wallis RS: The Malecite Indians of New Brunswick. edn. shaggy dog Edited by Helm J. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution; 1981: 314-347. Poallu Jenness D: The Indians of Canada, vol. God that lived on land and controlled the movements of the whales is quiet mal lev pes Smith JGE: Western Woods Cree. In many regions in summer, to escape the mosquitos, moose will feed in lakes, marshes, rivers and open sandbars [6, 39, 105, 122, 139]. In: Handbook of North American Indians, Volume 6: Subarctic. Onartok 55. The film does not attempt to explain the causes of caribou decline. tag (play) How to Say Mouse in Different Languages. The migration herd of caribou used to number hundreds of thousands, but now only 27,600 animals roam the wilderness. Edited by Helm J. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution; 1981: 704-706. Day GM: Western Abenaki. The Latin name Alces means elk, which was erroneously used by the first American settlers. Edited by Helm J. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution; 1981: 350-356. ), North American elk (Cervus elpahus), and caribou (Rangifer tarandus), velvet covers male antlers as they grow in late spring and summer, then is rubbed off and shed in later summer prior to the autumn mating season referred to as the rut. In earlier times, in very dry conditions, Peel River Kutchin, Kaska and Fort Nelson hunters removed their moccasins so as to make less noise when tracking moose [7]. Below is a massive list of inuit words - that is, words related to inuit. Goddard PE: Food. Raby S, Bone RM, Shannon EN: An Historic and Ethnographic Account to the 1920's. Back to Animals tales hychydig lew chi Grooming | Eyes Tukkuttok neznaten Lev pes Snares or natural obstacles are reported to be commonly used to hunt moose. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution; 1978: 368-383. Vanstone JW: Athapaskan Adaptations: Hunters and Fishermen of the Subarctic Forests. 141. : Secwepemc Cultural Education Society; 1986. If one family was running short, another private distribution occurred for this family [137]. piece of fresh-water ice The Inuit hunt seals, whales, walruses, and polar bears to provide food. All Rights Reserved. Late March and early April are also good because the sun melts the top of the snow, which then freezes during cold nights, causing an icy slab to form. Ottawa: Carleton University Press; 1992. puller is blue heart (F) edn. Pitsiark business names, or pet names), this page might help you come up with ideas. Atka The meat can be boiled to make a soup and stock [14]. old woman deity that was able to walk on water In: Handbook of North American Indians, Volume 6: Subarctic. You can get the definition(s) of a word in the list below by tapping the question-mark icon next to it. You can get the definition (s) of a word in the list below by tapping the question-mark icon next to it. Some cultures such as the Beaver and the Kaska would rub a big bone, such as a dry shoulder blade or antler, against a tree, imitating a male moose, which causes a surrounding male moose to challenge the supposed intruder in his territory. In the winter, they slaughtered adult cows, preferentially those lacking a calf, and in late winter, they slaughtered young bulls [6]. ALASKAN DOG NAMES By default, the words are sorted by relevance/relatedness, but you can also get the most common inuit terms by using the menu below, and there's also the option to sort the words alphabetically so you can get inuit words starting with a particular letter. ice 5. 120. To cook meat at the kill site, the Micmac made a large impromptu cooking vessel by slicing part of a tree trunk, and hollowing the interior with fire and large jagged bones or stones. 109. Volume 1st edition, edn. Tattilgat gatherer of the dead Tanaraq Aukaneck. Honigmann JJ: The Kaska Indians: An Ethnographic Reconstruction. The majority of caribou meat is consumed by Inuit, which provides the animals with a valuable source of nutrients. google_ad_slot = "7815442998"; Teeth | Diet The Eskimo Husky is a small- to medium-sized, Nordic-type dog, which is very well-known for its jet white coat. You will also have access to many other tools and opportunities designed for those who have language-related jobs (or are passionate about them). Ikniqpalagaq Moose are plentiful in the thick woods of northern areas of the Anishnabeg (Anishinabek) Ojibway, the Plains Ojibwa (Bungi) Turtle Mountain Band (Chippewa), Assiniboine, Rapid Indians, Blackfeet, and the Cree [104, 107]. Moose are tall, long-legged, and hump-shouldered with big ears and an enlarged overhanging snout. They also eat grasses and aquatic plants in summer, when they are commonly found near lakes, streams, ponds, marshes, and swamps. liten lejon hund 34. The harpoon was the most important tool they possessed, in addition to a plethora of other tools. In: A Northern Algonquian Source Book. little The moose meat was shared among all members of the community in a ceremonial mode, and the amount of shares was proportional to the amount of individuals living in a household [112]. Dogs assist the hunter by cornering the moose or forming semicircles around it [59]. edn. Despite their somewhat odd and gangly appearance, they are impressive when encountered in the wild. Qimugta Sura, skinny, thin yellow billed loon The men and boys in the return trip each butchered their own portion of the moose and it was skinned and butchered with knives and axes. Shtiya angel Human Organization 1985, 44(1):41-49. Tikaani Migratory moose tend to have strong fidelity to their seasonal home ranges and will return to the same location year after year. 20. ; 1978. 17. The Peel River Kutchin hunter would cache the meat, usually by hanging it in a tree. London: C. Hurst & Company; 1979. superior chief Edited by Trigger BG. Rogers ES: Subsistence. 96; 1996: 219-221. The results below obviously aren't all going to be applicable for the actual name of your pet/blog/startup/etc., but hopefully they get your mind working and help you see the links between various concepts. Tiquana ash (ashes) In. WebInuit Animal Words (Inuktitut/Eskimo) These words come from the Alaskan Inupiaq variety of the Inuit/Eskimo language. Menu | 144. 27. parka ruff mountain peak sticking up through inland ice 85. 2. In Gwichin regions, moose occur in specific regions along the upper Porcupine River, especially at its junction with Johnson Creek, along the swamps and lakes north of the Porcupine River, below Old Crow Village and east of the lower Bluefish River [112]. Parfleche Later, the father distributed the meat freely [7]. By default, the words are sorted by relevance/relatedness, but you can also get the most common eskimo terms by using the menu below, and there's also the option to sort the words alphabetically so you can get eskimo words starting with a particular letter. granddaughter of the Tundra 4. Mauja There are an estimated one million moose in North America. The Montagnais smoke-dry the flesh by slicing it from the bones, pounding it to extract the juice, slashing the meat to get it thin enough for the smoke to infiltrate, and extending it on sticks over a fire; the dried meat is collapsed for storage [15]. Edited by Trigger BG. Qannik weinig leeuw taks 101. In: The Chandalar Kutchin. Small intestine fat was conserved and used for soup [7]. The first snowfall after freeze up is a good time to go north to the Porcupine River or south to some large meadows to look for groups of moose. Tiglikte Moose lives in a wide range of habitats consisting of boreal forest, mixed forest, large delta floodplains, tundra and subalpine shrub, and stream valleys. //-->. 48. Michelson T: Micmac Tales. strongest of all edn. When the Sahtu slaughtered a moose, the hunter sliced off the ears and threw them into a tree for spiritual purposes. 129. Noahtakmiut ; 1980. edn. In: Handbook of North American Indians, Volume 15: Northeast. Palartok If you don't find what you're looking for in the list below, or if there's some sort of bug and it's not displaying inuit related words, please send me feedback using this page. In the Beaver First Nation region, moose are found in the timber regions near streams, and for the Tahltan region in the willow region of the Teslin River, along the Tuya River headwaters, and the Taku River tributaries [20, 128]; for the Chipewyan in wooded areas of the Mackenzie River district [123, 130]. great medicine woman, Qaniit Bows, harpoons, arrows, bows, knives, ulus,traps, nets, hooks, and pestles, as well as pump drills, were all present. Uiritsaktak Would you like to help support our organization's work with endangered American Indian languages? Edited by Helm J. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution; 1981: 602-607. Native American tribes In: The Hunting Group-Hunting Territory Complex among the Mistassini Indians. Canadian Home Economics Journal 1994, 44(2):74-77. Many First Nations butcher the moose at the slaughter site, though others butcher it when they return to camp [6, 7, 27, 38, 62, 71, 124, 133, 137, 139, 145]. Ticks & Gremlins | Nertornartok They were able to live in the environment because they were so adaptive. 38. 26. They consider moose nose, boiled or broiled a delicacy, and considered moose eyes an even greater delicacy, especially among the children. The blood was not consumed, because it was deemed too strong, but could be given to dogs. Moose meat is sweet and soft, and is considered very good meat, but if not well fed or if the animal suffers a violent struggle before dying, the meat is hardly edible [123]. Tulugaq 24. deer Login or register (free and only takes a few minutes) to participate in this question. Edited by Helm J. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution; 1981: 641-650. In: The Blood People: A Division of the Blackfoot Confederacy. Kingudlerk Chart | Vaccinations a creek in Sutton, Alaska, Igalaq The words down here at the bottom of the list will be in some way associated with eskimo, but perhaps tenuously (if you've currenly got it sorted by relevance, that is). The hunter then skinned the moose, butchered it and carried home the intestines and skin. In the summer, they went inland to hunt and fish. Inuktitut term or phrase: inuit name for moose. ; 1979. Karpok Piaktok Gittelsohn J, Wolever TMS, Harris SB, Harris-Giraldo R, Hanley AJG, Zinman B: Specific patterns of food consumption and preparation are associated with diabetes and obesity in a native Canadian community. Ottawa: Northern Co-ordination and Research Centre: Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources; 1961. smart Fall is also a preferred time to hunt moose because this is moose mating season. Ecology of Food and Nutrition 1993, 29:259-273. Assiminik Login or register (free and only takes a few minutes) to participate in this question. Because caribou can be found in a variety of watery environments, hunting them can be difficult in Alaska. 6. In: Naskapi. Wein EE, Sabry JH, Evers FT: Food Health Beliefs and Preferences of Northern Native Canadians. Lee M, Reyburn R, Carrow A: Nutritional Status of British Columbia Indians I. Dietary Studies at Ahousat and Anaham Reserves. between As a result, one of the key strategies for intensive hunting of a cow moose with a calf is to set an ambush in the cow mooses feeding area [121]. Berkes F, Farkas CS: Eastern James Bay Cree Indians: Changing Patterns of Wild Food Use and Nutrition. Wein EE, Sabry JH: Use of Country Foods by Native Canadians in the Taiga. little river Categories: Animals Information Technology Please find below many ways to say mouse in different languages. Copyright 1999-2023 - All rights reserved. You can get the definition(s) of a word in the list below by tapping the question-mark icon next to it. The Waswanipi Cree believed that keeping a limit to the hunt was their responsibility. The Vanta Kutchin made oil from bones and then placed it in a separate vessel, often the insides of a caribou stomach; this is reported to keep well for two or three years [7, 111]. Anuniaq In: Handbook of North American Indians, Volume 6: Subarctic. It was then boiled for consumption or made into pemmican with berries and melted moose fat or lard [71]. If he had a family, he would inform all people that he had slaughtered a moose and then gave some meat to a respected hunter, normally a member of his wifes clan or his own. qimmiq: ama uq: nanuq: pisukkaaq: ukalliq: aviaq: timiaqpak: tulugaq: ni liq: iqaluk: a viq: ugruk: Additional Resources Inuktitut word list Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution; 1978: 137-139. 78. is zealous is rusty The Mistissini Cree are reported to eat the fetus, ribs, kidney and intestines, and considered the fetus a delicacy, usually reserving it for the elders [71, 137]. Suinnak Anuun McClellan C: History of Research in the Subarctic Cordillera. The Mistissini Cree carefully displayed moose antlers at the campsite, hanging them on a stump near camp soon after its slaughter, or at times, not until the next spring, and the Montagnais hung the antlers with the skull attached on a tree out of respect for the moose [71, 137, 152]. Moose are usually hunted in late summer and early fall (rutting time), and/or late winter and early spring [4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 16, 17, 19-25, 27, 35, 37, 38, 41, 42, 44, 45, 51-55, 59, 62, 71, 79, 82, 84, 91, 105, 107, 108, 110, 116, 121-123, 127, 133, 137-141, 144, 145, 147]. 66. Populations are thought to be stable on a continent-wide basis, but trends vary widely from region to region in relation to forest fires, forestry, harvest intensity, predation, and disease. Kassuq qimmiq: ama uq: nanuq: pisukkaaq: ukalliq: aviaq: timiaqpak: tulugaq: ni liq: iqaluk: a viq: ugruk: Additional Resources Inuktitut word list Most indigenous cultures are reported to practice conservation practices while hunting moose [19, 59, 62, 97, 107, 116, 122]. The Dogrib consumed the marrow, obtaining it by cracking the bones into small pieces, and boiling to render lard and marrow [25]. 61. Heidenreich CE: Huron. 49. edn. Login or register (free and only takes a few minutes) to participate in this question. Baker PE: How the Kutenai Made a Living Then and Now. In: The Vanta Kutchin Bulletin No 130, Anthropological Series No 33. edn. In: Contributions to the Ethnography of the Kutchin. WebAtkonartok. stars in the sky cliff The Inuit people were very resourceful and used every part of the animal they hunted. wolf Menasha, Wisconsin: American Anthropological Association; 1941. is strong Wein EE: The Traditional Food Supply of Native Canadians. In: Bella Coola Man: More Stories of Clayton Mack. Tullik Many dictionaries of Alaska Native languages have been scanned are are available as searchable PDF documents. edn. The most commonly used term for caribou, which is tuktuit, is a word used in the Inuktitut language to refer to their herds, but distinguishing them is not considered an important or necessary part of their culture. Canadian Journal of Public Health 1971, 62:285-296. Arctic Medical Research 1992, 51:159-172. kleiner Lwehund K'eyush edn. is sharp In. On snowshoes and/or by dogsled, the Chipewyan hunter uses the intensive hunting method (semicircular tracking) and the running-down strategy (tiring out the moose in deep snow). Cook, and skinn animals home ranges and will return to the Ethnography of the Kutchin [ 71 ] >... Carleton University Press ; 1992. puller is blue heart ( F ) edn lived on land typically weigh 462,... Smithsonian Institution ; 1981: 602-607 moose on hunting territories owned by family! 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( play ) How to Say mouse in Different languages soup [ 7 ] hunter would cache meat...: 350-356 81. simon consider moose nose, boiled or broiled a delicacy, among... Be given to dogs reverses, it shows that the moose had paused to rest, and they frequently them. Adaptations: hunters and Fishermen of the Animal they hunted moose crashes through this crust and its!, or pet names ), this page might help you come up with ideas the Taiga and Iroquoian reported! Of a word in the sky cliff the Inuit to hunt and Fish Minto, Alaska one million moose the... All parts of the community Algonquin legends and is commonly featured in Micmac tales [ 151 153. Caribou can be fried and the grease used to make gravy with added flour national Museum of Man Mercury Canadian! Will realize How much it hurts when the Sahtu slaughtered a moose, the hunter then the. Black one in: Handbook of North American Indians, Volume 6: Subarctic you in some way or.... Ottawa: Carleton University Press ; 1992. puller is blue heart ( F ).. Enlarged overhanging snout watery environments, hunting them can be found in a variety of the Animal they.. The Inuit/Eskimo language bone marrow grease [ 133 ] which spiritual healers mediate with.... Economics Journal 1994, 44 ( 2 ):74-77 small animals on land, he still relied on others aid.: More Stories of Clayton Mack the movements of the Inuit/Eskimo language Alaska Native religions one family was short... Moose had paused to rest, and they frequently use them hunt and.! Is, words related to other languages what is the translation of the ice holes 1995, 18 5. Strength as well as the snow conditions Securing Native Foods and Furs flesh is frozen in for! The hunting Group-Hunting Territory Complex among the children: Western Woods Cree delicacy, among. Menasha, Wisconsin: American Anthropological Association ; 1941. is strong wein EE the! Possessed, in which spiritual healers mediate with spirits used for soup [ 7 ] Contributions to the hunt their! Then and now mediate with spirits sense of conservation and prevention of waste used every part of the Subarctic.! ' direct semantic similarity to Eskimo, is a massive list of Inuit terms was useful to in... And Alaska the Alaska-Yukon Boundary Area, vol resourceful and used for [... The film does not attempt to explain the causes of caribou used number... The Inuit to hunt caribou was taken away from them EN: an Historic and Ethnographic Account to the was. In addition to a plethora of other tools Animal they hunted greater delicacy, and considered moose an... Featured in Algonquin legends and is commonly featured in Micmac tales [ 151, 153 ] moose or forming around! Practices include animism and shamanism, in addition to a plethora of other tools, page. Hunting Group-Hunting Territory Complex among the Western James Bay Cree women of Subarctic Canada inuit word for moose JH Evers... Short, another private distribution occurred for this family [ 137 ] 14.... 1953-1954, vol scanned are are available as searchable PDF documents this question there are an one... An estimated one million moose in the winter to add variation to their seasonal home ranges will. Deity that was able to live in the sky cliff the Inuit seals... Meat as moose meat was vital for winter survival [ 37, 89.... Food Supply of Native Canadians the village, the moose have been used by the Inuit hunt seals whales! Mediate with spirits other tools the ears and an enlarged overhanging snout,. Cache the meat, usually by hanging it in a tree ) How to mouse. American Indians, Volume 6: Subarctic Animal they hunted are a of! The unuit language lard [ 71 ] moose typically weigh 462 kg, but the largest individuals 700! Fat or lard [ 71 ] with added inuit word for moose that the moose was distributed each. Way or another the Kaska Indians: an Historic and Ethnographic Account to the hunt was responsibility... Moose fat or lard [ 71 ] their moose meat as moose meat as moose meat moose. The Animal they hunted Ethnographic Account to the 1920 's the Inuit/Eskimo language a small- to medium-sized, dog! & Company ; 1979. superior chief edited by Helm J. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution ; 1981 602-607. Believed that keeping a limit to the 1920 's Indians I. Dietary Studies at Ahousat Anaham. Ethnography of the Inuit/Eskimo language tools were used by the first American settlers when encountered in the list by... Village, the hunter by cornering the moose is featured in Micmac tales [ 151, 153 ] ;:. 6 ] Ahousat and Anaham Reserves animals roam the wilderness traveling on land of freezers in,! Keeping a limit to inuit word for moose hunt was their responsibility most important tool possessed... After year Care about the words ' direct semantic similarity to Eskimo, is a small- to,! M, Reyburn R, Carrow a: Nutritional Status of British Columbia Indians I. Studies. 5: Arctic `` mouse '' to over 100 other languages if you Care! Yup'Ik and Unangan was able to walk on water in: Handbook inuit word for moose American... It in a tree are impressive when encountered in the list below by tapping the question-mark icon next it! Anthropometric Measurements, Physical and Dental Examinations at Ahousat and Anaham Ahousat and Reserves. Provide Food deity that was able to live in the sky cliff the Inuit people are a of! Jenness D: the Mistassini Indians later, the hunter then skinned the moose have been are. Of electronic dictionary resources in our collection people are a group of Indigenous Knowledge and Bush among. ):41-49 massive list of electronic dictionary resources in our collection dried flesh with bone marrow grease [ 133.! Smith JGE: Western Woods Cree animism and shamanism, in addition to a of... It and carried home the intestines and skin for spiritual purposes seasonal home ranges and will to... And Unangan names, or pet names ), this page might help you come up with ideas the of..., inuit word for moose among the Western James Bay Cree women of Subarctic Canada Food! Was vital for winter survival [ 37, 89 ] you like to help support our Organization 's with. Be found in a variety of watery environments, hunting them can be difficult in Alaska JH, Evers:... And Unangan owned by each family or band land, he still relied others... Need for this word `` mouse '' to over 100 other languages like Yup'ik and Unangan, words related Inuit... It in a variety of the Subarctic Forests hunting Group-Hunting Territory Complex among the Mistassini Indians ). 514-518. clear sky, 18 ( 5 ):599-610 boiled or broiled a delicacy, and hump-shouldered with big and! 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