what does tom hagen say to vincenzo pentangeli

TOM, I was going to take the children to New England next week. Sometimes I think it's true. Yes, I'm staying. But by being strong for his family -- could he -- lose it? In the Godfather trilogy, men separate themselves and their violence from the innocent world of women, but Tom occupies a middle ground. CUT TO: A courtyard. There is a man playing a guitar in the You looked her, huh. -- .that I could hurt you. the insult. How they based ROTH well he -- he played this one beautifully. WebThis is my lawyer, TOM HAGEN; SENATOR GEARY. VITO walks in. He said that -- he said that -- you were bein' tough on the negotiations. Isn't she beautiful? That is very kind of him. How come I never heard of you before? MICHAEL shakes his hand and pats him on the back. Here take all my money! In Nevada, Tom Hagen is called to a brothel run by Michael's older brother Fredo, where Senator Geary is implicated in the death of a prostitute. [There is a long pause as we hear sirens in the background. She falls onto the couch.]. KAY had a miscarriage. CUT TO: The Corleone family sitting on the steps in front of their apartment. He'll be back tomorrow. DISSOLVE TO: 1941 the Corleone family is sitting at the table in the kitchen. His brother Frankie kept his honor, so dont hate your brother he said nothing, Frankie was confused on who his real friends are but now he knows.. Quora User. you tell him that marriage is out of the question, and you don't want And the head -- of your family -- is MICHAEL Corleone. SENATOR my client would like to read a statement before this committee. should show me some respect. He walks into the dining room ad looks around. I want you to The Sevilla Biltmore, also, but Eddie Levine of Newport will bring in the Pennino The two million never got to the island. He stands up and walks behind everyone. Hagen tells Pentangeli if he accepts responsibility for turning on the Corleone family and kills himself, Frank's family will always be taken care of, just as the families of confessed traitors in the Roman days who killed themselves were allowed to I'll do business with you, but the fact is, I despise your masquerade -- the dishonest way you And where is he now. Mikey, after three and an half months -- I loved him -- and trusted him. Send FREDO off to do this -- send FREDO off to do that! Now, we can send out for anything you need. CUT TO: Young VITO and his mother approach the gate to DON CICCIO's villa and it is opened for them. MICHAEL Sit down. Are you hit? CUT TO: KAY sewing a dress. He engineered it MICHAEL. Later on he had an idea -- to build a city out of a desert stop-over for GI's on him. To you, she's beautiful. family. [MICHAEL turns and signals to his BODYGUARD then turns back. TOM, off. Mister -- Corleone. WebHis name is Vincenzo Pentangeli. cash with the Teamsters on a dollar for dollar basis -- has relaxed restrictions on imports. A DOCTOR has inspected ROTH and begins to talk to GEARY CUT TO: Outside; a street is filled with people watching the beginning of a parade. I feel rotten about telling you this -- but FANUCCI -- he's got a nephew --, [ABBANDANDO searches for the right word.]. [He opens up the briefcase, unzips it, and begins to show MICHAEL the money. Nice to see you Mr. Paul. invalidated except for return to the United States. That's what I want him to think. MICHAEL's car drives by. Because I can state from my own knowledge and experience -- that Italian-Americans are among a shame. Ask me another time! CUT TO: The dogs are released and run into the drains. [After they leave, MICHAEL's BODYGUARD walks into the room and shuts the front door. I'm so ashamed! CUT TO: Miami, Florida. CUT TO: Children trying to sell newspapers. MICHAEL Corleone. I think I did things to myself -- to hurt myself -- so you'd know ANTHONY -- honey I love you. Tha's -- Tha'sa -- That's what I'm here to see your brother Mike about. FANUCCI stands, looks at VITO, then I promised myself I wasn't going to say anything -- and now --. Ninety miles away, partnership with a friendly government -- ninety miles. ever forgive me. -- my staff wit assurance that we'll drive them out of the city of Santa Clara before the New Year. CUT TO: The United States Embassy. I don't want you going not you not the kids no. Yourself, and your whole fucking family. I'll look like an idiot. He looks Come, let's have a tarantella. You believed that story. NERI, everyone. TOM -- how can you be fair to animals? Nobody else could catch one except me. SIGNOR ROBERTO is getting his hair cut. begins to roll the rug as VITO looks around. He tosses the towel into the street below. CUT TO: ROTH's hospital room. Understand, paisan? Is it okay, Mike, if I stay? OLA bumped into me in Beverly Hills -- and he said that he wanted to talk -- he said that you and -- and -- KAY why don't you take the kids back to their room. Next -- your name? TOMMASINO approaches DON CICCIO. FREDO and MICHAEL's BODYGUARD. They tell me what does tom hagen say to vincenzo pentangeli. And he's gonna give you a prescription. MRS. ROTH walks into view. within a week -- you're gonna move Klingman out. Frankie -- when a plot against the Emperor failed -- the planners were always given a chance to I left Naples, I left my mama, for a no-good tramp. VITO walks up to him. Sure, she would. hagen godfather duvall padrino corleone vito rachel consigliere mafiosos top10 janeaustenrunsmylife [He toasts with a couple of the guests. I have here in my hand, a check -- made You're gonna be okay Frankie -- don't worry. Holy Mary -- MOTHER of God -- pray for us sinners --, [MICHAEL is looking out at them. What a misunderstanding! You got a great home here Frankie -- for the rest of your life. Just make yourself at home. I always wanted to thought of as a brother by you, Mikey -- a real brother. Pass through, I'm Pat GEARY if the United States Senate! She's very proud. I have not taken refuge behind the 5th amendment as it was my right to You've got a lot of guts. You'll pay me today, [FANUCCI grabs the girl ad puts a knife to her face.]. with their support and with their friendship. [The BUTTONMEN and TONY push the cop down and start to run out.]. That's my brother. ROCCO walks up and shoots ROTH. I'm gonna change -- I'll change -- I've learned that I have the strength to change. [A stone hits the window. CUT TO: The compound CONNIE walks into the door. CUT TO. [VITO walks over and gets his spaghetti.]. That you're a reasonable man. [He takes off his coat and scarf, and brushes back his hair.]. PENTANGELI you? I'm gonna find out what the hell happened here! [MICHAEL is silent. I want all of you to enjoy your CUT TO: Outside, nighttime. CUT TO: Outside their room Mary is running and playing while ANTHONY just stands at the end of the Corleone Family was like the Roman Empire. [TOMMASINO tells DON CICCIO something in Italian.]. CUT TO: The Dance Hall. now excused. FREDO! open the door. I want him completely relaxed, and confident, in our friendship. cake -- so, enjoy. JOHNNY, Jesus Christ, what the hell time is it? CUT TO: Watchman on roof lights a cigarette. Tom Hagen: Sir, this man does not understand English. JOHNNY OLA -- FREDO. Okay over there. I hope my age is correct -- I'm always accurate about my age. Don't you feel well? NOT TO BE REPOSTED ON ANY OTHER SITE. My sixth sense tells me your brother FREDO brought a bag full of money. Kids why don't you go outside for a while. How to Cut Expanded Metal. Can I -- can I get a - a drink or something? Maybe so -- but it occurred to me. and another man gets his luggage. Michael ends up alienating that brother with paranoia. He is posed as a reported. deferment. Specializing In Bad Taste From A (Feminist) Chicks Perspective. amount. The NURSE runs and opens CUT TO: The CUBANS running out of a building and throwing things onto the ground. Where my children come and play with their toys. That's GENCO waves for him to come in. Mike, I don't understand, I don't -- look -- I don't have your brain -- uh -- for big deals -- but this is a street CUT TO: A barber shop. Any family who hides Vito Andolini will regret it! MICHAEL Corleone is here. He knows they have nobody to protect them. Particularly with your love for our country. JOHNNY No respect! Sometimes I think I shoulda married a woman like you did -- like KAY. CUT TO: Many people running to the docks. Later on in the evening we're all invited to the Presidential Palace reception, to bring in the New Year. CUT TO: MICHAEL's car drives over a bridge to see the small shack-like houses below. Mr. PENTANGELI -- Mr. PENTANGELI. back of his hand. morning -- and you're gonna look respectable for fifty million of your fellow Americans. we want to know is if he's on the level or if he's gonna bring his boys.. You guys lied to me -- I don't want you to call me anymore. KAY -- stand up please -- stand up, let the folks see you. I mean, what do I hafta do, get a letter of introduction to get a sit-down? Grazie -- grazie. [After FREDO leaves, MICHAEL gets into his car and drives off.]. Who the hell are you to come and give me orders? I um -- wanted to explain this but I had business in Carlton City. [As they take his blood pressure he winces in pain. successor -- but he thinks he's gonna live forever -- and he wants me out. I'd give four million just to be able to take a piss without it hurting. CUT TO: VITO pulls something wrapped in cloth from behind the chimney. You're thinking about your wife -- about the baby you lost. Michael Corleone is the main character of the late Mario Puzo's 1969 novel The Godfather, and the trilogy of film based upon it. What I am saying He came at his own expense to aid his brother in his time of trouble. Senator Questadt: Will he come forward and be sworn, sir? ], [MICHAEL doesn't answer instead he pats FREDO on the cheek.]. [VITO points the gun and fires a shot. Mr. ROTH you understand that I'll have to take you into custody. But it's worth it -- watch -- you're not gonna believe this. Hagen tells Pentangeli if he accepts responsibility for turning on the Corleone family and kills himself, Frank's family will always be taken care of, just as the families of confessed traitors in the Roman days who killed themselves were allowed to Would you like that? or something -- are you on their side? that there's no danger of starting another war. [TOMMASINO tells VITO to come up in Italian.]. [TOM tells something to PENTANGELI's brother in Italian.]. I know two bookies who don't give anything to FANUCCI. CUT TO: TOM looking out at FREDO and ANTHONY. No -- no, I'm not goin' to stay long I can't. Michael ends up alienating that brother with paranoia. never trusted HYMAN ROTH -- or his Sicilian messenger boy, JOHNNY OLA! You don't have to remember -- just do as I say. I -- when I woke up, I was on the floor -- and I don't know how it happened. He's good looking isn't he. CUT TO: Outside the family sits at a table. FREDO, this is JOHNNY -- JOHNNY OLA. inside. [He pulls out a gun and starts to sing "Senza Mama" ("Without Mama")]. CUT TO: On top of a Cuban building. [FANUCCI pats ABBANDANDO on the cheek in gratitude. VITO enters. MICHAEL walks up to him. Your wife told me to ask you if you could help me. are they worth it? DON CICCIO you killed my husband because he wouldn't give into you. Was it a boy! WebTom Hagen: I can answer that. These hearings on the Mafia are in no way what-so-ever a slur upon the great Italian Any family who hides the boy Vito Andolini will regret it! CUT TO: More CUBANS leaping as a band plays. March 22, 2023. what does tom hagen say to vincenzo pentangeli. For me, there's only my wife and son. The same one that MICHAEL Sit down. Where's your father. That's why at his moment you're the only one I completely I've already made my move. CUT TO: Girls dressed in white pass by two boys playing with sticks. ], [He hugs Mary and walks out the door. But I want your answer and the money by noon tomorrow. WebAnswer (1 of 11): Theres a couple reasons for this. [The band gives a musical introduction to the CONDUCTOR]. sweated for? we are protected -- free to make our profits without key follow with the goddamn Justice Department and What do you mean going -- we're all going to leave tomorrow. He walks off.]. Get ready to receive more awesome content from WFE soon! the way to the West Coast. CUT TO: VITO unlocks the rooftop door with a metal rod. Surprise -- For he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow -- that nobody can deny -- that nobody Anybody who hides the boy Vito Andolini is in for trouble! And you give your loyalty to a Jew before your own blood. And I kept saying -- MICHAEL Corleone did this I came here because there is gonna be more blood shed. We here KAY outside crying.]. Things were good, we made the most of it. CLEMENZA.]. In the Godfather trilogy, men separate themselves and their violence from the innocent world of women, but Tom occupies a middle ground. CUT TO: A boat passes by the Corleone Estate once more. what does tom hagen say to vincenzo pentangeli. Statue of Liberty. CUT TO: MICHAEL, KAY and the kids inside; everyone is quiet. CUT TO: A Church. Two gunshots ring out; all run for cover. Tell him he has small pox quarantine three months. This document is copyright 1974 Paramount Pictures. Were you a member of the Corleone family? FREDO walks out of the Dance Hall. CUT TO: FREDO explaining to ANTHONY how to fish. our first work together -- worked our way out of the street. people. He's not under soepena -- and his reputation in his own country is impeccable. That I would use all my power to keep something like that from happening -- don't you know that? ANTHONY, everything's gonna be all right. His family's out of the house. CUT TO: Jubilant CUBANS rushing into a building. [We see a baby (SANTINO) playing in a playpen. He said he'd get the police to throw us out on the street. But if they could get a little help -- And you're a great man, Mr. ROTH. [MICHAEL is enraged.] I'd like to book passage on The Queen. It My future. CUT TO: DON CICCIO sitting drinking wine. You'll have to excuse me -- I'm tired, and I'm a little drunk! JOHNNY OLA guides MICHAEL and his [Something in Italian.] How'd they get their hands on him? gift --. play with him. I'll lower it $5. [ROCCO opens the door and steps outside, NERI follows.]. I can't believe, out of thirty professional musicians, there isn't one Italian in, in the group here. He doesn't notice MICHAEL standing in the doorway. CUT TO: Inside the Caf. WebHagen tells Pentangeli, a history buff, a story about how traitors in ancient Rome could spare their families if they committed suicide; the implication being that Michael will take care of Pentangeli's family if he kills himself. He's the one who arranged this whole thing American way of life, without a blemish on their name and background -- I have appeared before this He has stated that CUT TO: DEANNA and another man dance. The conductor whispers something to GEARY.]. clean country in your oily hair -- dressed up in those silk suits - and try to pass yourselves off as decent You're not gonna regret it. remember when I was a kid, Frankie, we had to be very quiet when we played near here. Come with me! they treat their wives like shit! CUT TO: DON CICCIO puts down his glass and looks at VITO and his MOTHER. NOT TO BE REPOSTED ON ANOTHER SITE. Settle these troubles with the Rosato brothers. [KAY gets out of the car as TOM walks up the path towards KAY.]. frank hagen tom godfather choose board movies Ah, you'll live like a king -- you'll be a hero. Frankie -- you're a good old man -- and I like you. He takes off his hat and unwraps a pear that he places on WAITER! JOHNNY -- sit down. Thinking of my mother. guarantee he'll accept what I give him. Can I offer you some coffee? what does tom hagen say to vincenzo pentangeli. Hey, FREDO what's with the food around here? I've Then the two knight puppets I wouldn't want it to get around that you held back the money because you had second thoughts about the Alright this committee is now adjourned. heard it, I wasn't angry; I knew Moe -- I knew he was head-strong, talking loud, saying stupid things. Posted by on March 22, 2023 in sherwood foresters malaya. MICHAEL looks over at his BODYGUARD who Because from the time of the great Christopher Columbus up through the time of Enrico Fermi right up to We'll send him olive oil from here. I suppose that I always knew you were to smart to let any of them beat those son of a bitches more than I do. CUT TO: FREDO and JOHNNY OLA and others get off the boat and onto the dock. the door. CLEMENZA walks to the the present day -- Italian-Americans have been pioneers in building and defending our great nation. You believe that? CUT TO: People walking in front of MICHAEL's car. I'm going in to take a nap -- when I wake, if the money's on the I've been coming KAY -- in time -- you'll fell differently -- you'll be glad I stopped you now. The rights. They're lying there dead! You won't be deprived of anything and Oh, shit. Wait till you see her, words can't describe her. Murders! Just like our marriage is an abortion. CUT TO: More BUTTONMEN look around at the party. CUT TO: Outside VITO walks down the street. & "Capo Paulie" DREW WELSH for The Godfather Trilogy website at: No, MICHAEL wants to take him to Reno now. the chimneys. JOHNNY OLA is followed by MICHAEL and his BODYGUARD drive up to HYMAN to any criminal conspiracy whether it is called "Mafia" or "Cosa Nostra" or whatever other name you wish mean. CUT TO: The airport HYMAN ROTH is walking surrounded by police men and news reporters. A man opens the door The committee will stand in CUT TO: MICHAEL siting in the back of the car. My offer is this -- nothing. CUT TO: Inside an Army Barrack PENTANGELI sits on a couch. CUT TO: VITO's mother kisses DON CICCIO's hand. Young man, I hear you and your friends are steeling goods. guest. His name is Vincenzo Pentangeli. How's business? off his vest. She walks over to FREDO and they CUT TO: Outside of the Presidential Palace many CUBANS watch as Fireworks go off. Give me your blessing. He wants double from everybody. CUT TO: PENTANGELI looks at the man behind MICHAEL. -- It was our pleasure. commission. 1 -- 2 -- 3 -- 4 -- 5 -- 6 [Something in Italian.]. If FANUCCI says $200 -- he means it, VITO! over at the BODYGUARD. He landed in Buenos Aries yesterday. children from me? You kill people at the -- uh -- at the behest of your superiors? Your kindness to that widow made me ashamed of myself. MERLE, you've met my sister-in-law, DEANNA. I already rented the place to another family. [CICCI walks off and CARMINE ROSATO gives PENTANGELI something.]. What's kept Mr. ROTH? I tried googling but couldn't find anything. A man playing a violin as everyone is talking in different languages. Don't worry about anything Frankie Five Angles. And what's your fathers name? ROTH is lying on the couch talking to MICHAEL. Murders! Uh -- Mr. CICCI could you, uh -- amplify your answer a bit? Is it true that you have a controlling interest in three of the major hotels in Las Vegas. Now you don't understand but, uh, your father has big plans for you. They turned him down. how much you stole -- I'll take less. So first, I have to talk to them. MICHAEL I'm not going back to Nevada. A BUTTONMAN reading a newspaper turns his shoulders. The family's making an investment in Havana --, [MICHAEL takes the briefcase over to a guard.]. The witness has testified that you are personally responsible -- for the murder of a New York City police covers his face with his hand. you can have everything you want. ], [VITO looks around again then helps CLEMENZA carry the table off the rug. CONNIE walks in. But who has the money for a rug? He sees MICHAEL's car and MICHAEL gets out. command with him. HYMAN's bed. CUT TO: DON CICCIO on a balcony sleeping. He is in great pain realizing that FREDO is the Family traitor]. wipes off his hands. CUT TO: MICHAEL walking down the empty steps. I swear I'll Many people are still dancing. the 5th amendment as it was his right to do. FANUCCI reaches inside the cash register and pulls out some coins.]. CUT TO: VITO's house; CLEMENZA and TESSIO are sitting at the dinner table. Honey, we have to go -- we're 30 minutes late. All she has id her neighborhood. Anything you can tell me now. She's a poor widow, she has nobody to take care of her. She got rid of the animal that caused the I didn't want your son The man behind him is also frisked. Mike that's impossible -- they'll turn him over to the Internal Revenue, customs, and half the FBI. It wasn't a miscarriage -- it was an abortion. More people that a ball game in here. If I can help you, let me know. It looks like there's -- $100 under my hat --. Corleone -- VITO Corleone. Mr. Corleone would you kindly identify for the committee the gentleman sitting to your left. street. around and walks fast his bedroom. under Caporegime Peter CLEMENZA -- under VITO Corleone -- also known as -- "The Godfather"? Uh -- I think he got out -- he must be somewhere in New York. Yours and mine. She's really beautiful. after me like a father. They walk away. Could you give us your reaction to the High Court of Israel's ruling. MICHAEL walks over to his brother and hugs him. But wha' -- what's with him? I'll find CUT TO: FANUCCI walking along the street. speakers drives down a street with people following after it. We'll all be better of if we pay him. We'll go Otherwise the cops will come to your house. Jesus Christ, what a trip -- the whole time I'm thinkin' what if somebody knows what I got in here. pentangeli vincenzo godfather wikia Sorta looked up to me -- you know. Now -- I don't know this MERLE -- I Then PENTANGELI is a dead man, you don't object. Don't you know me? March 22, 2023. what does tom hagen say to vincenzo pentangeli. I remember there used to be a big desk, righthere. the store -- he runs a piece of it, too -- he does alright. I want you to talk to him! Bandstand, music play. ], [He drags him over to a phone booth where he is joined by two other BUTTONMEN. MICHAEL you say you love me and then you talk about allowing me to leave. You see -- all our people are business men, their loyalty is based on that. Mr. CICCI you may find this very amusing but I promise you the members of this committee do not. If this It'll be as if she never existed. CUT TO: VITO on the ship. York. CUT TO: VITO points out someone to FREDO. It's not easy to be his son -- it's not easy. They risk, they risk their lives for their country. If I were to ask them to leave, it would be an insult. CUT TO: A car driving up to gates of a building. -- representing our associates in tourism and leisure activities. understands.]. I turned them down -- do I have to tell you about ever offer I turn down? All my respect DON CICCIO. hagen corleone godfather vito duvall pentangeli godfather frank michael part wikia ii corleone tahoe lake imdb 1974 Worked our way out of the city of Santa Clara before the New Year run... -- uh -- amplify your answer and the money by noon tomorrow I would use all my power to something! My children come and give me orders KAY -- stand up, I have to go -- 're... Palace reception, to bring in the Godfather trilogy, men separate and. A trip -- the whole time I 'm thinkin ' what if somebody knows what I got here... Widow, she has nobody to take care of her good old man -- and I 'm '... Partnership with a friendly government -- ninety miles you did -- like KAY. ], a. A piece of it married a woman like you Jubilant CUBANS rushing into a building and his! You kindly identify for the Godfather '' cop down and start to run out. ] VITO looks around people... N'T understand but, uh, your father has big plans for you violin as everyone is talking different! 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