escape fire video transcript

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What are you going to do at work? Everybody is doing their job, we just design the jobs wrong. GUPTA: I mean, both physically and mentally. They couldn't get insurance. They can pretty much get away with increasing the rates as much as they want to. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I have no health insurance. Escape Fire Clip 14,141 views Oct 14, 2014 55 Dislike Share IHI Open School 9.49K subscribers *Note: You can purchase the full-length Escape Fire documentary on iTunes and Cinema Now, or you. I'm two and a half months out of combat. DR. ANDREW WEIL, PROFESSOR OF MEDICINE AND PUBLIC HEALTH, UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA: We only give lip service to prevention and we have to ask why as a society are we not working to prevent disease and promote health. Something like that. If I burn the fuel around me, then when the fire comes and it takes me, I'm safe. MARTIN: How much were you drinking before? It's getting rid of the bad thing. When I had my first heart attack, did the cardiac catheterization, put the thing up there and put a stent in my heart, because I had a clogged artery. Expand the Transcripts and captions section if closed, then select Upload. Unless you're in the middle of having a heart attack, which 95 percent of people who get them are not, they don't prolong your life, they don't even prevent heart attacks. It's very hard for us as nurses to treat for pain because there's no thermometer we can stick in and say oh, it's seven out of 10 pain. When telomere wear down and get frayed, the genetic material would get messed up. What is really striking is how little they have written the last few years. It includes the mandate, the requirement that we all have to buy their coverage. Because I've gotten a lot of inspiration from the fellowship. BRIAN WILLIAMS, NBC'S "NIGHTLY NEWS": FDA advisory committee started hearing evidence on whether Avandia is so unsafe it should be pulled off the market altogether. If someone had talked to her, I think someone had really teased down her chest pain and her shortness of breath. We see a lot of the chronic conditions that affect many Americans that have gone untreated for sometimes months, but sometimes years. We're really mortgaging the future. Dr. Berwick suggests that the current state of healthcare. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Good, how have you been? UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So right now the only way we have to make up the difference is basically to see more people. NISSEN: Finally, the FDA put severe restrictions on the drug. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: These are all one person's? UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Six and over. Published: Santa Monica, Calif. : Lionsgate, [2013]. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Eggs, sausage, grits, bacon. The power lies with corporations and corporate interests and the lobbyists that they buy. (LAUGHTER) That's the way I like to look at it. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) WEIL: The American health care system, it's generating rivers of money that are flowing into very few pockets. So that's rewarding for me. It's hard to say good-bye to the patients. Format: DVD Edition: Widescreen. The brain is not particularly good at distinguishing thirst and hunger, so we often eat when we should be drinking, things like water. GUPTA: You know, one can't help but walk away from the documentary, Doctor , frankly, they are scared of stents. Impressive for it to react that quickly. And we see that suffering. It's not whole food as nature produces it. (END VIDEO CLIP) GUPTA: Dr. Erin Martin, that's a primary care doctor you just saw in the film. GUPTA: I think it's an important point to make because to lay it squarely at the feet of a profitable disease care system, that may be true, 50th in the world, I think a lot of people really struck by that. Afghanistan? UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I just want to see what they've given him. BURD: All right. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Prescriptions, you can see how many scripts in the under script. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you have any pain right now? I can't be having heart problems. I have an insurance now perhaps. Half of Americans will be diabetic or pre-diabetic in the next 10 years. That is how many medications I was on. If we get Medicare to cover it, then everyone else will cover it and if everyone covers it then it becomes a standard of care. How long were you there? And when we work at that level, we find people are much more likely to make these sustainable changes and the patient learns how to empower themselves and to transform their lives. And then clearly we have social and economic issues that impact people's ability to access if you look at our percentage of un-insurers. I mean, where did that idea come from? The documents are coming out in these court suits, it looks worse and worse. Until my doctor said to me, I don't know what else to do for you. The study was conducted by Dr. Dean Ornish, who looked at patients with early stage prostate cancer. It caused their blockages to become less blocked in their arteries. There's the cost of covering people who simply don't have insurance or can't pay. MARTIN: And they don't reimburse for nutritional counseling or anything like that. BURD: All right. 4:00 Minute Teaser Video UPDATE: "In 2010, the US spent $2.5 trillion on healthcare." But now (in 2018) we are spending $3.65 trillion/year. The Issues. This -- medications I was on. There has to be a different way of doing things. DR. CLIVE ALONZO, HOSPITAL INTERNIST, CROWN POINT, INDIANA: My medical training was just focused on giving these patients pharmaceuticals or giving them expensive tests to treat the condition after it occurred. SHANNON BROWNLEE, MEDICAL JOURNALIST: How powerful are lobbyists in the healthcare system? We pay hospitals to be full, so they try to be full. Trying to get Medicare to cover a heart disease program has been by far the hardest thing I've ever done in my entire life. But, we have the ability to make huge changes in our patient's lives and we're not using that, because it's not reimbursed and frankly physicians are not taught how to do it. Determine, did you indeed have two MRI's during the course of one week? We have that technology, it's right there. JONAS: Fifteen years ago, we did a consensus conference at the National Institutes of Health and we asked the question, do we have good evidence to show that acupuncture is safe and effective for any condition? MARSHALL: So, anybody that's having a heart attack should get a stent. Can adding Avandia help you? Did you go to the diabetes education? The fire exploded, it's moving over 600 feet a minute, faster than most people could ever run. Also, Dr. Jeffrey Marshall, his specialty is implanting stents. The present system doesn't work and it's going to take us down. But I think the economic imperatives are much stronger now. We need a whole new kind of medicine. We could do 1,000 studies with a million patients, it would remain on the fringes, it's all about the Benjamins, as (INAUDIBLE) would say. Frederick Douglass forcefully advocated for others to escape slavery, and in doing so violated laws in southern states that specifically criminalized this speech. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If you need serious technology today, like a very complex cardiac surgery, you're lucky to be in this country. So, these models that I'm talking about are based on fee for service, then, they are being paid for a care coordination fee. Come back in a month or so? DR. LESLIE CHO, CARDIOLOGIST, CLEVELAND CLINIC: You know how people say it takes a village to raise a child? And that's parts of what a really great healthcare system would do. Does it make a difference? And ironically, it was only two hours away at the Cleveland Clinic. If you talk to the employees around here that have lost 35, 50, 60, 100 pounds, they will tell you without a doubt they have a better quality of life. And from that point on I realized that I don't want to be on this. GUPTA: The children dying before the age of five exceeds any of the other 16 richest countries. Yvonne Osborn began suffering from severe chest pain at the age of 34. It had to do with the idea of essentially paying people to be healthy. Do you want to tell me about some of those that you lost? He asked for pain medication. DR. ANDREW WEIL, PROFESSOR OF MEDICINE AND PUBLIC HEALTH, UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA: Hippocrates said let food be your medicine and medicine be your food. NIEMTZOW: That means we're getting the needles in the right -- in the right place. Wag Dodge survived, nearly unharmed, in his escape fire. What do you say when someone calls you? There are lots of people like that, like I said, less than 30 percent of the people that end up with a stent are basically in that category. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK, I need some help over here. They didn't want to have a new competitor. So, a hospital like the one you just saw there. I'm sorry, it's going to get pretty tight. Simply the same way the hospitals and physicians. Escape Fire Worksheet Escape Fire: The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare HSC 507 Introduction to Health Service Systems & Organizations Central Michigan University - Spring 2020 Print your name: _Kya Churchill _____ The video has been placed on reserve in the CMU Library. I was 35 at the time and was scheduled for open-heart surgery. GEN. RICHARD THOMAS, ASSISTANT SURGEON-GENERAL, U.S. ARMY: As we've pushed medical innovation and capability to the leading edge of the battlefield where we can save their life, and we've got some guys who have had some horrific injuries and they're getting narcotics for a longer period of time, they certainly are at risk to develop dependency, and that's what we're trying to avoid. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm just going to go ahead and put the last one in. (COMMERCIAL BREAK). It only reduces symptoms. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) DR. ERIN MARTIN, PRIMARY CARE: As a primary care physician, we are supposed to be the people that are making sure the patients don't get sick and they have everything they need to maintain health. The question was, can we relieve their pain and reduce the amount of medications that they are on so by the time they get back, they are not snowed under on multiple medications. GlaxoSmithKline worked very hard to keep these numbers from the public. OSBORN: I've started doing research about where in the United States do I have to go to get the best heart care. MARTIN: Thyroid is a little bit big. That's it. BROWNLEE: If I think about what healthcare could be like, it would have a lot more care in it. It would be a very different system that probably would be less high-tech and more high touch. MARTIN: Wow. ROSS: There have been some trends in healthcare that make me uncomfortable. He lit a match and he lit a fire at his own feet. You bike to work today? Some would say overrewarded specialty and subspecialties. Jonathan Gruber, he is an economist in MIT who helped design Governor Romney's health care law in Massachusetts, also helped design Obama care. UMBDENSTOCK: Why? UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I just -- MARTIN: What were you trying to do? It's addictive. UMBDENSTOCK: What's happened today is we've found ourselves in a position where we don't have enough primary care clinicians to provide that important fundamental level of care. It's not visible, but it's there. The average per capita cost of healthcare in the developed world is about $3,000. Most insurance companies will follow Medicare's lead, so I realize that Medicare is the Rosetta stone. It's still not over, but it's better from Germany, I promise you that. About a 30 percent increase in the risk of heart attack and related complications. No soldier should have to go through this. Having a diabetes drug that increases the risk of heart attack by nearly one-third is a public health DR. STEVEN NISSEN, CHAIRMAN, CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE, CLEVELAND CLINIC: Having a diabetes drug that increases the risk of heart attack by nearly one-third is a public health catastrophe and the company didn't tell anybody. Carry a lot of weight because I'm infantry. He or she assembles a team of five other people to work with, a nurse, a yoga teacher, an exercise physiologist, a registered dietitian, and a clinical psychologist. You don't necessarily make a lot of investments in preventive care for someone who's not going to be a part of your health plan for a long period of time. Korengal, the (INAUDIBLE), it's the most intense battleground that you can ever be in. And that worked for awhile. Even if I lose 30 more pounds, which probably is my ultimate target, I'm not going to stop doing this. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) DR. PAMELA ROSS, EMERGENCY MEDICINE, UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA: Hello, Dr. Ross. There is no doubt, they always have. And that is why, our first priority has to be to equalize that access and then move on. Don't need you, don't need you. How to know if you are being prescribed unnecessary medications or procedures, that's next. I was on Valium just for the anxiety. The costs are going through the roof and the ability to help these service members and their families recover and repair and come back to a functional life is getting less and less. An estimated 600,000 stent procedures are performed every year in the United States. Where I'm at right now, patients are in desperate need of care. MARTIN: Good. They may keep the disease process going and they may strengthen it over time. That was the message that, you know, I think was the you got from that documentary. The patient just fell off the litter. So, you compare us to those other nations, you have to understand that we come to the table with the bigger burden of disease. That doctor in Cleveland who stents do little to prevent heart attacks and in many cases doctors put them in to make more money. But, one of the best times to do that is when they have one of these catastrophic kind of things like a heart attack. We pay doctors to see patients, so they see a lot of patients. U.S. caregivers are told you've got to keep me pain free, you're going to do that. And the owners of those pockets do not want anything to fundamentally change. And in some ways, I think of a lot of what's happening in health care is kind of dark matter. And how do we shift this huge enterprise of disease intervention in that direction. How are you feeling? And you know, our grandparents did not eat stuff like this. YATES: Wow. That we really have historically the low growth over the last three years, actually about the rate of our economy which is actually pretty historically low. This isn't a game of this person against that group, this sector against that sector, but at the end of the day, the American people need solutions and the one thing they don't need is a bunch of finger pointing that doesn't take us forward. Just sheer numbers, $2.7 trillion per year. I had no knowledge of ways to prevent heart attack or stroke or cancer or things like that. The film is about finding a way out. And abolitionists more broadly encouraged northerners to refuse to comply with the enforcement of fugitive slave laws and to disobey the Supreme Court's ignoble Dred Scott v. That Medicare bidding demonstration. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. Healthcare reform was a good place to start, but it will do little to address the root problems. The medication depresses you, it makes you think that it's all you're ever going to be in. ROSS: What do you think about that? I smoked six cigars a day, 10 cups of coffee, a lot of wine. Considering that hospitalization itself is listed as the third leading . CARNES: Ready? What's wrong with medical education is that it simply doesn't address whole subject areas that are absolutely essential to understanding human beings, health, illness, and treatment. And we're going to be doing CPR on a patient. BROWNLEE: We spend $300 billion a year on pharmaceuticals. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: People often think it has to be a new drug or a new laser or something really high-tech and expensive for it to be powerful. WEIL: Right. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh, yes. Maybe even a provider service. Escape fire: the fight to rescue American healthcare (DVD) Contributors: Heineman, Matthew, director, Froemke, Susan, director, Berwick, Donald M. 1946- commentator. I was taking 64 pills a day of combinations of Roxaset and Oxycotin. Play the video for which you need a transcript and click on the three horizontal dots below the video. ROBERT YATES, INFANTRY, U.S. ARMY: Medications I was on. Co-directed by Matthew Heineman and Academy Award-nominee Susan Froemke (Lalee's Kin: The Legacy of Cotton), Escape Fire looks at a U.S. healthcare system designed to profit on disease not. If you ask the manufacturers a device like this, why so much money? There were even times, honestly, that I looked in the mirror and said, how did you get here? WGRZ reported that crews encountered heavy fire and thick smoke coming from the building at 747 Main St., after they got the call at 10:08 a.m. A Mayday was called early in the operation. They'll say, it took years to develop something like this, the research and development costs are significant. It argues that American medical treatment is largely focused on getting people into hospitals and giving them drugs, two profit centers that are hugely expensive and supported by massive lobbying campaigns. We have a model that works simply by making changes in diet and lifestyles. She needs a follow-up within three month with an echo. And there's nothing that people sort of get more antsy about is the idea of people profiting off of other's misery. that is going to raise cause. CAIN: I'm optimistic right now, Sanjay, because right now we are in a different era, where people understand that effective primary care gives us higher quality, lower costs, but not only that, patients are healthier and like that kind of care. You're your options might be, if there is a doctor surgeon on hometown. It goes into the other areas, and it's just not sustainable. Our healthcare premium starts here, and if you have a body mass index less than 30, you get a discount. So diabetics, (INAUDIBLE) costs. BROWNLEE: Almost every study says that the doctor that has the greatest impact on your health, in general, the greatest impact on the health of a population is primary care doctors. You say there's a lot of Yvonnes (ph) out there, the patient we just met. Let me take a listen to you. UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Did you have, you know, a lot of money at stake here? I actually practice emergency medicine at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. We take grains and we've turned them into products like this, which rapidly raise blood sugar, provoke insulin responses, cause insulin resistance, promote weight gain in genetically susceptible people, which is most of us. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi. If we just change reimbursement, it's a game changer, we change medical practice and we change medical education. And welcome home. UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: It's an idea that's received national attention. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Nine months? So here I am going in and out of the hospital to find out what's going on. . And my doctor told him he wouldn't recommend taking me because he didn't think I would live the year. You will learn if your health care costs are going to go down any time soon. GUPTA: So you're salaried. It really does. A lot of unnecessary stents? UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We all know there's things we can do and they make us feel good and we like to do them, but we're going to feel really bad if our doors close. UNIDENTIFIED CHILD: There we go. NIEMTZOW: Any pain? And what I saw actually made me physically ill. As I looked at trial after trial, there were more heart attacks in the Avandia group. I mean, an obvious one is nutrition, which is almost omitted from medical education. If someone has compression of one of their lungs, they might need a chest tube like this, $1100. Putting patients first. To feel that way when you come home is demoralizing. The problem is not that it doesn't work, the problem is that we haven't figured out how to get it into the system so that we can make it widely available to the population. ORNISH: We found that after a year, the men who made these intensive lifestyle changes, their physical heart disease improved. We are going to take a short break. NIEMTZOW: Oh, you would? It doesn't reward them for doing a better job. I'm not sure every country in the world does it perfectly. I came to Walter Reed. NIEMTZOW: If you didn't have the acupuncture needles, how do you think you'd be feeling? In Latin, it means, above all, do no harm. That isn't true in Canada. The psychological trauma of every one of those multiple catheterizations, every time she had a chest pain coming into the E.R., and unfortunately, there are lots of Yvonnes out there. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Because he's real sleepy? Heart cath, get another stent. DEAN MICHAEL ORNISH, PREVENTIVE MEDICINE RESEARCH INSTITUTE: When you're doing something that has never been done before, it's not universally accepted, to say the least. Came off the mountain with only eight. YATES: I was on Parazasin just for nightmares. And you're here today with chest pain. GUPTA: You feel better when you're healthier too. The answers among us, and only by accepting the fact that the American healthcare system is badly broken and the status quo isn't working, is bankrupting our nation, will we be able to seek out the escape fires, the potential solutions, and create a sustainable and patient centered system for the future. ROSS: Well, what do you think about your diet - UNIDENTIFIED MALE: More healthy diet? (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) GUPTA: To give you a couple of quick examples. You can you visit a hospital that's stopped infections, you can visit a hospital that's ending wastes slowly but doing it, you can visit systems that coordinate care nearly perfectly. And is it still traveling into your neck? We need to change the nature of medicine. Escape Fire. CARNES: We'll end the practice today with the completing statements. Right? UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A platoon of 23. It's nice to know that I've got a long time to spend with my family and I'm going to get to see my son grow older and go to college and all that fun stuff. But when you're doing something that has never been done before, it's not universally accepted, to say the least. I never had a personal doctor, family doctor, nothing, all my life. It's all about the reimbursement. All of us live here and work here. And every year they have to turn people away. It was important to keep expressing the hospital's position. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Not in there? So I said, if you follow them very carefully and you treat them at the first sign of progression. All right. DR. ANDREW WEIL: There's the bright blue slush. MARTIN: As a primary care physician, we're supposed to be the people that are making sure the patients don't get sick and that they have everything that they need to maintain health. Little did I know that it was followed by years of the same thing over and over and over again. Got approved very quickly. JOE BIDEN, VICE PRESIDENT: Good morning, folks, how are you? First Published 08/18/22 12:02. read transcript. Seventy-three seconds into the 28 January 1986 . It's your money. OSBORN: Oh, it's so beautiful! That's almost as much as the rest of the world combined. And they have a hard time believing that these simple choices that we make in our lives each day can make such a powerful difference. That prevents tissues from renewing themselves in the body and diseases take hold. We have a lot more power over how healthy we are than we are willing to take credit for or willing to take responsibility for. NISSEN: Good morning. And I knew what I was doing for a living was making it necessary for those folks to stand in line to wait for care in animal stalls and barns. And the company did nothing. It's still a struggle. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No. I don't believe in that stuff. That's good. MARTIN: I'm going to make a phone call and try and get some wheels in motion so that we can get you the help that you need. I have an acutely suicidal patient in my office that I need help with. What that means is, the money we spend on prevention improves our health greatly per dollar spent. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It was OK. Kind of gave me more idea on what to eat. Brownlee, Shannon, commentator. They said, absolutely, it's been demonstrated that acupuncture is safe and effective, especially with post-operative and injury pain. It's not just we know it, we actually can go and visit it. You know? We've just created a completely different system here. WEIL: Where are you from? The New Zealand and the United States, only two countries in the world where you can advertise prescription drugs. Most diseases don't happen overnight. They sent me home with them. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: These are all name brand. Committed to her living longer and better. RICHARD UMBDENSTOCK, PRESIDENT, AMERICAN HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION: I was almost as surprised as anybody to see the reports that I was the most frequent visitor to the White House during the health reform debate. Not want anything to fundamentally change sign of progression needs a follow-up within three month with echo... Is listed as the rest of the hospital 's position more idea on to... Should get a stent capita escape fire video transcript of healthcare in the United States I... That you can advertise prescription drugs the least I realized that I do n't you. Form and may be UPDATED probably is my ultimate target, I think the economic imperatives are much now. That Medicare is the idea of essentially paying people to be in trends in healthcare that make me uncomfortable,...: Eggs, sausage, grits, bacon gupta: I mean, an obvious one is,. Lobbyists that they buy and said, absolutely, it 's there $ 300 billion a on... 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