sierra leone court act, 1965 pdf

(3) In the exercise of the powers conferred upon him by his section the Director of Public Prosecutions shall not be subject to the direction or control of any other person or authority. 227. (1) In this Part the expression "representative" in relation to a corporation means a person duly appointed by the corporation to represent it for the purpose of doing any act or thing by which the representative of a corporation is by this Part authorised to do, but a person so appointed shall not by virtue only of being so appointed, be qualified to act on behalf of the corporation before any Court for any other purpose. Where a sentence or conviction does not order the payment of money, but orders that the offender be imprisoned, the Court shall issue a warrant of commitment accordingly. (3)Any document purporting to be an original report under the hand of a person gazetted as an examining officer. 112. f^MaZIZ%XvRKF=@/v+'@_Vi{4QEi}I1jvn/ wO.U Ra -'Z^p7>Cv O+n@uyLi#h-R, v| j lsb#s!rmKQEPo#i*R_u5.&mt7Nxc8;-[c@qX9p\HNIvp@u[m=z8-t1oO/iR [4FGm2, o{pwWM@{le,V$9&1GsHO;= 211. In theCOURT AT To.(Keeper of Prison or constable). (2) Where the accused is not defended by counsel but states that he intends to call witness (other than himself) as to the facts, the Court shall call upon him to open his case if he so desires. (1) Where an enactment constituting an offence states the offence to be the doing or the omission to do any one of any different acts in the alternative, or the doing or the omission to any act in any one of any different capacities, or with any one of any different intentions, or states any part of the offence in the alternative, the acts, omissions, capacities or intentions, or other matters stated in the alternative in the enactment, may be stated in the alternative in the count charging the offence. 107. [9[,I`xs proof of any deposition or statement and that the same was taken in all respects according to law, and such attestation and signature shall be admitted without proof, unless the court shall see reason to doubt the genuineness thereof. When a person is accused of the commission of an offence at sea or elsewhere out of Sierra Leone, which. 117. At the Supreme Court holder at..on 119. 0000014786 00000 n (1) A corporation that is convicted of an offence is liable, in lieu of any imprisonment that is prescribed as the punishment for that offence, or where no fine is Prescribed, be fined in an amount that is in the discretion of the Court where the offence is triable on indictment; or. 230. (1) Any document purporting to be an original report under the hand of any public officer who is a medical practitioner, dental surgeon, analyst, chemical examiner or geologist, or of any assayer or mineralogist recognized by the Minister of Mines for the purposes of this section by notification published in the Gazette, upon any substance or thing submitted to him for examination or analysis and report, may, if it is directed to the court or is produced by any constable to whom it is directed or someone acting on his behalf, be used as evidence of the facts therein stated in any enquiry, trial or other proceeding under this Act. ii. iv. 64. The High Court of Sierra Leone is divided into the: General Civil Division; Criminal Division; Commercial and Admiralty Division; Family and Probate Division and Land and Property Division. (4)If the accused person who had not appeared as aforesaid is charged with felony, or if the Court in its discretion refrains from convicting the defendant in his absence, the Court shall issue a warrant for the arrest of the accused, and cause him to be brought before the Court. 136. In case of refusal may be imprisoned. 191. (2) The Attorney-General may in writing revoke any order made by him under this section. 23. B. and C.D. (1) Where, before trial upon indictment or at any stage of such trial, it appears to the Court that the indictment is defective, the Court shall make such order for the amendment of the indictment as the Court thinks necessary to meet the circumstances of the case, unless having regard to the merits of the case, the required amendments cannot be made without injustice. 90. d.the time at which he is to attend before the Court including an undertaking to appear at such subsequent times as may be directed by the Court. 142. 0000012053 00000 n 53. Trial by Judge alone on election of accused. PART V - SPECIAL TRIALS TRIAL OF CORPORATIONS. Fraudulent conversion of property, contrary to section 20 (1) (iv) (a) of the Larceny Act, 1916. (3) On the restitution of any stolen property if it appears to the Court by the Evidence that the person convicted has sold the stolen property to any person, and that such person has had no knowledge that the same was stolen, and that any moneys have been taken from the person convicted on his apprehension and not returned to him under section 59, the Court may, on the application of such purchaser, order that out of such moneys a sum not exceeding the amount of the proceeds of such sale be delivered to the said purchaser. (1) Subject to the provisions of rules made under section 50, charges for more than one felony or for more than one misdemeanour, and charges for both felonies and misdemeanours may, if those charges are founded on the same facts or form or are a part of a series of offences of the same or a similar character, be joined in the same complaint, information or indictment and tried at the same time, but where under the provisions of this section a felony is tried together with a misdemeanour in the Supreme Court, then if the trial is with a jury, the jury shall be sworn and the person accused shall have the same right of challenging jurors as if all the offences charged in the indictment were felonies. The principal Act is hereby amended by the addition immediately after section 48 of the following new section. 121. Date of assent: 09 April 1976. 79. Download as pdf. Immediately after the accuses shall so have had opportunity of making his answer to the charge, the Court shall ask him whether he desires to give evidence on his own behalf and whether he desires to call any witnesses, and the evidence of the accused together with the depositions of such witnesses as the accused shall call, and who shall appear on his behalf, shall then be taken in like manner as in the case of the witnesses for the prosecution. 0000002570 00000 n (1) A person who alleges that an enactment or anything contained in or done under the authority of that or any other enactment is inconsistent with, or is in contravention of a provision of this Constitution, may at any time bring an action in the Supreme Court for a declaration to that effect. If the Court considers that the evidence against the accused is not sufficient to put him on his trial, the Court shall forthwith order him to be discharged as to the particular charge under investigation; but such discharge shall not be a bar to any subsequent charge in respect of the same facts: Provided that nothing contained in this section shall prevent the Court from either forthwith, or after such adjournment of the investigation as may seem expedient in the interest of justice, proceeding to investigate any other charge upon which the accused may have been summoned or otherwise brought before it, or which in the course of the charge so dismissed as aforesaid it may appear that the accused has committed. 111. Procedure where entry not obtainable. g.Every person called as a witness in pursuance of this Act shall, unless otherwise ordered by Court, give his evidence from the witness box or other place from which the other witnesses give their evidence. Procedure to be followed where accused is undefended. (1) When any act is charged against any person as an offence, and it is given in evidence on the trial of such person for that offence that he was insane so as not to be responsible for his action at the time when the act was done then if it appears to the Court before whom such person is tried that he did the act but was insane as aforesaid at the time when he did it, the Court shall make a special finding to the effect that the accused or the defendant is not guilty by reason of insanity. Priests and ministers of the various religions practiced in Sierra Leone. With the offence. In the Case - SLAJ vs The State of Sierra Leone, the journalists' association argued that Part V of the 1965 Public Order Act contravenes Section 25(1) of Act No 6 of the 1991 Constitution of Sierra Leone. B., on of.atin the Western Area of Sierra Leone, with intent to defraud, forged. *In case of notice to the prosecutor these words should be struck out. (1) If on the trial of any person charged with any offence it shall appear upon the evidence that the defendant or accused did not complete the offence charged, but was guilty of attempting to commit the same, or to cause such offence to be committed, such defendant or accused shall not be acquitted, but a verdict may be returned of not guilty of the offence charged, but guilty of an attempt to commit the same, and thereupon the defendant or accused shall be punished as if convicted on an information or indictment for attempting to commit such offence; and no person so tried as herein last mentioned shall be afterwards prosecuted for an attempt to commit the offence for which he was so tried. 2. (1) A constable may, without warrant, enter by force if necessary any premises within a Diamond Protection Area for the purpose of searching for any person whom he has reasonable grounds to believe is a stranger: Provided that the authority given by this section shall not entitle him to search for any other person or thing unless he is lawfully so entitled apart from this section. Costs to be paid by prosecutor, in certain cases. The Constitution of Sierra Leone (Amendment) Act, 1981 : being an act to amend the constitution of Sierra Leone, so as to harmonize it with the constitution of the All People's Congress, and for connected purposes : [19th November, 1981]. (1) When any person is convicted of an offence and the facts constituting the offence amount also to a tort against the person or property of the prosecutor, the Court before which such person is convicted may, on the application of the prosecutor and after taking any such further evidence as it deems necessary, order the person convicted to pay the prosecutor such sum as appears to the Court to be reasonable compensation (not exceeding in the case of a summary conviction one thousand Leones) in addition to or in lieu of any other punishment. Assented to in Her Majesty's name this 1st day of October, 1965. 251. he, the said A. b.the offender is not present on the occasion of the conviction. 0000012030 00000 n 55. 12. No. (2) Whenever any such building, vessel, vehicle, receptacle or other place is closed, any person residing in or being in charge of the building, vessel, vehicle, receptacle or place shall on the demand of the constable or other person executing the search warrant, allow him free entry thereto and afford all reasonable facilities for a search therein. (2)The Court, may if it thinks fit, and on the application of the accused person shall, summon and examine such deponent as to the subject matter of his deposition. At the conclusion of the evidence for the defence the accused shall be permitted to sum up his case to the Court and counsel for the prosecution shall be entitled to reply. death was this day executed in the said prison (or as the case may be), and that on such examination I found that the said.was dead. QUALIFICATIONS OF JURORS AND PREPARATIONS OF JURORS' LIST. (2) Notwithstanding anything contained in section 143, in any case where a person is charged at any sessions of the Supreme Court with a criminal offence not punishable by death the Attorney-General, if he is of the opinion that the general interest of justice would be served thereby, may make an application to the Court for an order, which shall be made as of course, that any such person or persons shall be tried by such Court with the aid of assessors, or by a Judge alone, instead of by a Judge and jury. (1) In any criminal case, and at any stage thereof before verdict or judgement, the Attorney-General may enter a nolle prosequi either by stating in Court or by informing the Court in writing that, the Crown intends that the proceedings shall not continue and thereupon the accused or the defendant as the case may be shall be at once discharged in respect of the charge for which the nolle prosequi is entered, and if he has been committed to prison shall be released or if on bail his recognisances shall be discharged; but such discharge of an accused person shall not operate as a bar to any subsequent proceedings against him on account of the same facts. 0000006176 00000 n Variance between charge and evidence. (1) At any time before, or during the course of the trial, the police may, at the request of the accused, deliver to him a copy of a statement taken by them from any person who is either listed in the depositions or in any summary of evidence referred to in section 188 or is actually called as a witness. 216. SUPREME COURT OF SIERRA LEONE, Supreme Court Civil Appeal 2 of 1972, Hon Mr Justice E Livesy Luke CJ, 3 July 19 73 . Subsection (1) of section 9 of the principal Act is hereby amended by the insertion of the word "Local" immediately after the word "Group" in line three thereof. The warrant of such first named Court shall be sufficient authority to the keeper of any prison appointed for the custody of prisoners committed for trial, although out of the jurisdiction of such Court. The cancellation of a warrant may be effected by the Court issuing it, or by a Court to which such issuing Court is subordinate. Mohammedan Marriage Act (Cap 96) s 9(2) On 23 December 1954, t he deceased, a Muslim, died intestate owning land and was survived by her daughter. Search of place entered by person sought to be arrested. Copies of lists to be sent to Sheriff. The Sheriff, before the sitting of any Court whereat a jury shall be necessary, shall, on receiving from the Court a precept, issue summonses requiring the attendance thereat of the persons so drawn as aforesaid from the ballot box, and every such summons shall be personally served upon, or left at the usual or last known place of residence of the person so summoned, two clear days, or such other time as the Court may direct, before the day appointed for the sitting of the Court. to be given to the keeper of the prison in which such accused may be detained, and also shall forthwith cause a similar notice in writing to be given to any witnesses bound over to prosecute and to their sureties (if any), and also to the accused and his sureties in case he shall have been admitted to bail. 0000009301 00000 n 130. 213. 0000003971 00000 n 208. A Court may, before passing sentence, receive such evidence as it thinks fit, in order to inform itself as to the sentence proper to be passed. Be it enacted by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with P.N. Having heard the evidence. The room or place in which the investigation is held shall not be an open or . 169. PART IV - INDICTMENT AND TRIAL IN THE SUPREME COURT. 0000035057 00000 n Search warrants may be executed outside jurisdiction of Court issuing them in certain cases. 22. Arrest how made. 106. 82. (2)When the true name and place of resident have been ascertained he shall be released on his executing a bond, with or without sureties, to appear before a court if so required. 18. (2)Where the accused is defended by counsel who states that he intends to call witnesses as to the facts other than the accused, the Court shall call upon the accused's counsel to open his case and shall then require the accused, if he so desires, to make his own unsworn statement or give his evidence on oath, as the case may be, and thereafter to call his witnesses (including witnesses as to character). No judgment shall be stayed or reversed on the ground of any objection, which if stated after the indictment was read to the prisoner, or during the progress of the trial, might have been amended by the Court, nor because of any informality in swearing the witnesses or any of them. Assented to in Her Majesty's name this 6th day of our Lord October, 1965. How warrants addressed, and by whom executed. (2)The accused shall be entitled to cross-examine the witnesses for the prosecution and shall be information of such right if not represented by a legal practitioner. m ment of minor correctional centre offences by junior or h nate officers. of.days, and for so doing this shall be sufficient warrant and authority to all concerned. (1) When the verdict of the jury is unanimous the Judge shall give judgment in accordance with that verdict. The Adoption Act of Sierra Leone - Volume 36 Issue 1. Sentence of death shall not be pronounced or recorded against a person convicted of any offence if it appears to the Court that at the time when the offence was committed he was under the age of eighteen years; but in lieu thereof the court shall sentence him to be detained during Her Majesty's pleasure and if so sentenced, he shall be liable to be detained in such place and under such conditions as the Governor-General may direct, and whilst so detained shall be deem to be in legal custody. 91. 2. of Act No. (name) of(address). B., on the West Area of Sierra Leone, maliciously damage on mango, tree there growing. 186 (1) The Court may in its discretion from time to time adjourn the trial, if necessary. fine be sooner paid, and on the receipt thereof forthwith to set him at liberty returning this warrant with an endorsement certifying the manner of its execution. (2) (a) Proceedings before a Magistrate previous to the committal of an offender for trial or to the determination of the Magistrate that the offender is to be put on trial, shall not be deemed proceedings for the trial of the offence committed by such offender for the purposes of the said consent and certificate under this section. WHEREAS..(name of offender) was on theday, of..19.convicted before me of the offence of.and. 70 of The advice and consent of the House of Representatives in this 1964 Present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:. 235. 165. CERTIFICATE UNDER SECTION && OF THE CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, I(name) of(address), the Medical Superintendent of the, Mental Hospital athereby certify that(name of. (1) At the close of the evidence for the prosecution and after the statement of the accused person before the committing Court has been put in evidence the Court shall in cases where the accused is not defended by counsel inform him of his right to address the Court, to give evidence on his own behalf of to make an unsworn statement and to call witnesses in his defence and in all cases shall require him or his counsel to state whether it is intended to call any witness as to fact other than the accused person himself. Where such statement relates to an offence for which any person is then or subsequently committed for trial, it shall be transmitted to the Court in which such person is to be tried, and a copy thereof shall be transmitted to the Attorney-General. 44. (8) It shall not be necessary in stating any intent to defraud deceive or injure any particular person, where the enactment creating the offence does not make an intent defraud, deceive, or injure a particular person an essential ingredient of the offence. Resumption of trial or investigation. (5)Where any person is charged jointly with a corporation with an offence triable on indictment and either that person or the corporation by its representative does not consent that the offence should be dealt with summarily in pursuance of section 6 of the Courts Act, 1965, the Court shall not have power to deal summarily with the offence in the case of the other offender. It does not, though, regulate the use of force by the Sierra Leone Police Force beyond the provision in Section 16(2) cited above. 166. trailer << /Size 388 /Info 345 0 R /Root 349 0 R /Prev 130970 /ID[<22dfe472882fbcd37cbdbd751884013e>] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 349 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 347 0 R /Metadata 346 0 R /OpenAction [ 351 0 R /XYZ null null null ] /PageMode /UseNone /PageLabels 344 0 R /StructTreeRoot 350 0 R /PieceInfo << /MarkedPDF << /LastModified (D:20050418151040)>> >> /LastModified (D:20050418151040) /MarkInfo << /Marked true /LetterspaceFlags 0 >> >> endobj 350 0 obj << /Type /StructTreeRoot /RoleMap 4 0 R /ClassMap 7 0 R /K 109 0 R /ParentTree 337 0 R /ParentTreeNextKey 2 >> endobj 386 0 obj << /S 48 /L 147 /C 163 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 387 0 R >> stream Freetown, Sierra Leone THE INITIATIVES AND PRACTICES OF SIERRA LEONE'S PREVENTIVE ANTI-CORRUPTION BODIES AS PER ARTICLE 6 OF THE UNCAC 1. or exemption from or qualification to the operation of the enactment creating the offence. The rules contained in the First Schedule with respect to informations and indictments shall have effect as if enacted in this Act, but those rules may be added to, varied, revoked, or replaced by further rules made by the Chief Justice with the approval of the House of Representatives, and the Chief Justice is hereby empowered to make such further rules. Your non-appearance in Court will have no effect on the Sentence to be passed if you are convicted. Share on Facebook. Without prejudice to the provisions of any enactment, all criminal offences shall be enquired into, tried and otherwise dealt with according to the provisions of this Act. where the deposition is that of a witness whose attendance at the trial is stated to be unnecessary as aforesaid, that the witness has been duly notified that he is required to attend the trial. Notices to be given in certain cases. Challenge for cause shall be allowed on any of the following grounds. he has given evidence against any other person charged with the same offence. Falsification of accounts, contrary to section 1 of the Falsification of Accounts Act, 1875. Justice of the Peace to assist Magistrate. Statements as to wages to be evidence. In proceedings to which no such forms are applicable the Master of the Supreme Court may, with the approval of the Chief Justice, from time to time frame the forms required and such forms shall be published in the. A. 233. 219. Paragraph (xii) of section 78 of the Prisons Act, 1961, is hereby amended. (1) A Court (in this section and section 38 referred to as the Remitting Court) before which any person who is within the local limits of its jurisdiction and is charged with having committed an offence within the local limits of the jurisdiction of another Court is brought, shall unless authorised to proceed in the case, send him in custody to the Court within the local limits of whose jurisdiction the offence was committed, or require him to give security for his surrender to such last-mentioned Court, there to answer the charge and to be dealt with according to law. 34. General authority of Courts to bring accused persons before them. (3)The length of any term of imprisonment imposed by the sentence of any Court shall be treated as reduced by any period during which the offender was in custody before sentence by reason only of having been committed for trial, or remanded, after arraignment. Subject to the provisions of sections 136 and 137, an indictment charging any person with an offence triable before the Supreme Court, may be preferred by any person before a Court in which the person charged may be lawfully indicted for that offence, and where an indictment has been so preferred, a Law Officer shall, unless the accused has been acquitted and discharged under the provisions of section 131, sign the indictment and it shall thereupon be proceeded with accordingly: a. 77. It was ratified by Parliament on 15 December 2011 and signed into law on 1 February 2012. 250. 143. Particulars of Offence A. B., on theday of.atin the Western Area of Sierra Leone, being clerk or servant to. 124. (4)For the purposes of this section, any appeal from any determination in any criminal proceedings before any court, or any case stated or question of law reserved, for the purposes of any such proceedings, to any other court shall be deemed part of those proceedings. (4)A person may be admitted to bail at any time, and thereupon shall be discharged from custody or prison if he is not detained for any other cause. An offence committed whilst the offender is in the course of performing a journey or voyage may be enquired into or tried in a District through or into which the offender, or the person against whom, or the thing in respect of which, the offence was committed, passed in the course of that journey or voyage. 66. Where a person is before the Magistrate charge with an offence which is triable exclusively by the Supreme Court or in the opinion of the Magistrate ought to be tried by such court, the Magistrate shall conduct a preliminary investigation into the charge alleged, in accordance with the procedure laid down in this Part. 11. Robbery with aggravation - Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Act 1973. (1) After the summing up, the jury shall consider their verdict, and for that purpose may retire. In force: Yes. (2)The Judge may act on the application of any party interested after due notice to all other interested parties. If any person stands mute or refuses, or by reason of infirmity is unable to answer directly to the indictment the Court shall, unless it has reason to believe that such person is of unsound mind and consequently incapable of making his defence, order the Registrar to enter a plea of not guilty on behalf of such person, and the plea so entered shall have the same force and effect as if such person had actually pleaded the same; but if the Court has reason to believe as aforesaid, it shall proceed in the manner prescribed in section 71. (2) If such person forcibly resists the endeavour to arrest him, or attempts to evade the arrest, such constable or other person may use sufficient force to effect the arrest but no more. (2) If service in the manner provided in subsection (1) cannot by the exercise of due diligence be effected, the serving constable or person shall affix the same to some conspicuous part of such last or usual place of residence of the person summoned and thereupon the summons shall be deemed to have been duly served. 157. ORDER 9 PETITIONS-GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. (1) Whenever any person prosecuted and charged before any Court with an offence involving fraud, dishonesty or violence, then, and in every such case, whether such offence is to be tried summarily or on information, or whether the said person has or has not been admitted to bail, it shall be lawful for a Police Officer of or above the rank of Assistant Superintendent or the constable for the time being in charge of a Police Station, if he is of the opinion that there are grounds for suspecting that such person has been previously convicted or has been engaged in crime, or that from any other case his photographs, measurements, thumbprints and fingerprints are required for the purposes of justice, to cause to be taken for use and record such photographs, measurements' thumbprints and fingerprints of the said person as such Police Officer or the constable for the time being in charge of a Police Station, shall think fit: Provided that if no conviction of the said person shall follow as a result of, or in connection with, such said prosecution, then, and in every such case, the photographs of the said person shall, together with the records of his measurements, thumbprints and fingerprints, be handed over to him or if this is not possible, be destroyed. 20. (2) If two or more of the assessors are prevented from attending or absent themselves, the proceedings shall be stayed and a new trial shall be held with the aid of fresh assessors. Pursuant to section 120 of the Sierra Leone Constitution, 1978, sets forth rules of procedure for the Supreme Court of Sierra Leone, including special leaves to appeal, hearings, criminal appeals, civil appeals, judgements and orders, and jurisdiction. But if afterwards, from want of sufficient evidence or other cause, the accused is discharged, the Court shall order that the person imprisoned for so refusing be also discharged. 134. The Constitution also established the Police Force of Sierra Leone, "the Head of which shall be the Inspector-General of Police". The signature and attestation of the Magistrate holding the preliminary examination shall be sufficient prima facie proof of any deposition or statement and that the same was taken in all respects according to law, and such attestation and signature shall be admitted without proof, unless the court shall see reason to doubt the genuineness thereof. The Native Administrative court, also known as local court of Sierra Leone, derives its authority from the Local Courts Act, 1963; the Courts Act, 1965 and Section 170 of the 1991 Constitution of Sierra Leone which deals with the laws of Sierra Leone. 0000006358 00000 n Such punishment may be inflicted summarily on an order to that effect by the Court, and any fine imposed shall be recoverable by distress and sale of the moveable and immoveable property of the person fined, by warrant of distress to be signed by the Registrar of the Court, which warrant shall be issued by the Sheriff without further order of the Court, if the amount of fine is not paid within six days of its having come to his knowledge by notice or otherwise that the fine has been imposed, if imposed in his absence. Investigation is held shall not be an open or servant to due notice to the prosecutor these words should struck... 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